Американский православный священник и богослов. Декан Свято-Владимирской православной семинарии. Профессор патристики.
Родился 16 октября 1966 г.
В 1987 г. получил бакалаврскую степень в Университете Гринвича. Тема бакалаврской работы "Of God, Man, and Creation: A Comparative Study of the Anthropology of the Greek Fathers and Emmanuel Levinas".
Под руководством митрополита епископа Каллиста (Уэра) в 1991 г. получил магистерскую степень, в 1995 г. - степень PhD в Оксфордском университете. Тема магистерской диссертации "Sexuality, Marriage, and Asceticism in Second-Century Christian Writings". Тема докторской диссертации "Godly Lives: Asceticism and Anthropology, with Special Reference to Sexuality, in the Writings of St Irenaeus of Lyons and St Clement of Alexandria".
В 1995 г. стал преподавателем Свято-Владимирской семинарии
В 1997 году получил степень магистра богословия в Свято-Владимирской семинарии. Тема диссертации "Translation of Irenaeus' Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching with Introduction and Notes".
Был рукоположен во диакона 8 сентября 2001 г., в священника - 14 сентября того же года.
Был избран деканом Свято-Владимирской семинарии 18 ноября 2006 г. Начал работу в качестве декана 1 июля 2007 г.
- The Glory of God: A Living Human Being (Crestwood, NY, SVS Press, forthcoming, 2011)
- St Athanasius: On the Incarnation, translation and introduction, Popular Patristics Series (Crestwood, NY, SVS Press, 2011 November)
- The Case Against Diodore and Theodore: Texts and Their Contexts, Oxford Early Christian Texts (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011), 526pp.
- The Mystery of Christ: Life in Death (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 2006). 186 pp.
- The Nicene Faith,vol. 2 of The Formation of Christian Theology(Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 2004). 2 vols in paper; single hardcover volume 580 pp.
- (ed. with A. Louth and D. Conomos), Abba: The Tradition of Orthodoxy in the West: Festschrift for Bishop Kallistos Ware(New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2003). 376 pp.
- The Way to Nicaea, vol. 1 of The Formation of Christian Theology (Crestwood: SVS Press, 2001). 261 pp.
Romanian translation (Bucharest: Sophia, 2004). - Asceticism and Anthropology in Irenaeus and Clement (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000). 261 pp.
- St Irenaeus of Lyons: On the Apostolic Preaching (Crestwood: SVS Press, 1997). 121 pp.
- "Marriage and Asceticism," Sobornost 29:2 (2007), 24-50. Available in PDF format in English (1.22 Mb) and Russian (274.72 Kb)
- "Taught by the Apostles," Christian History, Fall 2007
- "One in Christ: An Historical Look," AGAIN, summer 2006
- "For the Welfare of the Churches of God," AGAIN, summer 2006 (forthcoming).
- "The Motherhood of the Church" and "Mary as a Type of the Church" in Vierge Marie - Église Vierge: Acts du quatrième colloque de théologie orthodoxe de l’Université de Sherbrooke, (Sherbrooke: Université de Sherbrooke, Éditions G.G.C, 2005), 13-29, 83-95.
- "Gaul," The Varieties of Christianity to 250 C.E. in The Cambridge History of Christianity,vol. 4, ed. Margaret Mitchell and Frances Young (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming).
- "Early Christian Apologists," "Docetism," and "Irenaeus" in The New Westminster Dictionary of Church History, ed. Roberto Benedetto (Westminster John Knox Press, forthcoming).
- "The Question of Nicene Orthodoxy," in Byzantine Orthodoxies: Papers from the Thirty-Sixth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, University of Durham, 23-25 March, 2002, ed. A. Louth and A. Casiday (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006), 15-27.
- "Virgin Mother - Virgin Church," forthcoming in St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly. Russian translation, "Virgin Mother - Virgin Church," Bogoslovskii Vestnik 2004, no.4, 123-149.
- "Theology and Exegesis," forthcoming in Collected Papers of the Orthodox Theological Research Forum, UK.
- "The Trinitarian Being of the Church" St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 48:1 (2004), 67-88. Russian translation in Tserkov i Vremya 3 (28), 2004, 164-185.
- "Social and Historical Setting (2nd Century)," for The Cambridge History of Early Christian Literature, ed. F. Young, A. Louth, L. Ayers (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004), 55-70 .
- "Midwife of the Christian Bible," forthcoming in Christian History 80 (XXII.4).
- "Tradition" in St Vladimir's Seminary 2003 Education Day book.
- "Faithfulness and Creativity," in Abba (see above), 159-178.
- "Interpreting the Incarnation," Sourozh 89 (August 2002), 15-29.
- "Irenaeus on the Word of God," Studia Patristica 36 (Leuven: Peeters, 2001), 163-7.
- "The Paschal Foundations of Christian Theology," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 45:2 (2001), 115-36.
- "The Word of God in the Second Century," Pro Ecclesia 9:1 (2000) 85-107 .
- "Scripture, the Gospel, and Orthodoxy," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 43 (1999) 223-48 .
- "The Rational Animal: A Rereading of Gregory of Nyssa's De hominis opificio," Journal of Early Christian Studies 7:2 (1999) 219-247 .
- "The Trinity," The Living Pulpit (April, 1999).
- "Severus of Antioch: Eastern and Oriental Perspectives," St Nersess Theological Review 3:1-2 (1998) 23-35.
- "A Note on the Ontology of Gender," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 42:3-4 (1998) 363-72 .
- "Adam" and "Anthropologie" in Dictionnaire de Théologie (Presses Universitaires de France, 1997).
- "Colossians 1:13-20: A Chiastic Reading," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 40:4 (1996) 247-65 .
- "Translating theology," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 38:2 (1994) 235-40 .
- "Irenaeus and the Ascetic Ideal," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 37:4 (1993) 305-13.
- "Shifting Sands: Foucault, Brown and the Framework of Christian Asceticism," Heythrop Journal 34:1 (1993) 1-22.
- "Reflections on the Question of Episcopal Celibacy," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 36:1-2 (1992) 141-9.
- St Basil the Great, On the Human Condition (2005). Translation and Introduction by Nonna (Verna) Harrison
- St Macarius the Spirit-Bearer: Coptic Texts relating to St Macarius the Great (2004). Translation and Introduction by Tim Vivian
- Four Desert Fathers: Pambo, Evagrius, Macarius of Egypt and Macarius of Alexandria(2004). Translation and Introduction by Tim Vivian
- Three Treatises on Prayer: Tertullian, Cyprian, Origen (2004). Translation and Introduction by Alistair Stweart-Sykes
- Barsanuphius and John, Letters from the Desert: A Selection of Questions and Responses(2003). Translation and Introduction by John Chryssavgis
- St John of Damascus, Three Treatises on the Divine Images (2003). Translation and Introduction by Andrew Louth
- St Maximus the Confessor, On the Cosmic Mystery of Christ(2003). Translation and Introduction by Paul M. Blowers and Robert Louis Wilken
- On God and Christ: St Gregory of Nazianzus, The Five Theological Orations and Two Letters to Cledonius (2002). Translation by Frederick Williams and Lionel Wickham, Introduction by Lionel Wickham
- On God and Man: The Theological Poetry of St Gregory of Nazianzus (2001). Translation and Introduction by Peter Gilbert
- Hippolytus, On the Apostolic Tradition (2001). Translation and Introduction by Alistair Stewart-Sykes
- Melito of Sardis, On Pascha (2001). Translation and Introduction by Alistair Stewart-Sykes
- "Person and Freedom: The Grounding of Both in Ascesis", Conference of the Theological Commission, Moscow Patriarchate, November 2010.
- "Orthodox Christianity as Paideia: Faith, Reason, and Culture in the Early Church", October 2010 Trinity Western University, BC Canada (listen here);Eastern University, PA.
- "Male and Female Created He Them", Parish Ministries Conference, Cleveland, June 2010.
- "Passing Beyond the Neo-Patristic Synthesis", Volos, Greece, June 2010.
- "The Promise of the Image", Gordon College MA, May 2010 (watch on YouTube)
- "With Boldness and Without Condemnation", installation speech delivered at the inaguration of St Vladimir's new leadership, September 14, 2007.
- "The Eschatological Dimensions of the Church", paper presented to the Orthodoxy-Wesleyan Consultation, SVS December 2005; to appear in print.
- "The Question of Trinitarian Theology" Paper presented to Round Table on Lewis Ayres' Nicaea and Its Legacy, Harvard Divinity School, May 2005; to appear in print.
- "The Church in Via", Paper delivered at the Plenary Session of the Conference on Eschatology held by the Theological Commission of the Moscow Patriarchate, Danielovsky Monastery, Nov. 14-17, 2005. To appear in Russian; in Georgian in Archevani January 2006.
- "Eucharistic Ecclesiology Revisited", Paper delivered at the 2005 Summer Conference of the Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius, UK.
- "Tradition and Creativity," paper presented at the Sixth International Congress of Orthodox Theological Schools, Sophia, Bulgaria, October 2004.
- "Mary-Ann Donovan on St Irenaeus," paper presented to the North American Patristics Society, May 2004.
- "Trinitarian Being of the Church," paper presented to the North American Lutheran-Orthodox Dialogue, May 2003.
- "Virgin Mother - Virgin Church," paper to the annual meeting of the Fellowship of Sts Alban and Sergius, August 2003.
- "Theology and Exegesis," lead paper to inaugural meeting of the Orthodox Theological Research Forum, Cuddeston, UK, August 2003.
- "Athanasius' Contra Gentes and On the Incarnation as an apologia cruces," paper presented at the Fourteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford, August 2003.
- Eight appearances on "Come Receive the Light," speaking about the Seven Ecumenical Councils, Spring 2003 (www.receive.org).
- "The Challenge of the Fathers," Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville, March, 2003.
- Lenten Retreat, St John's in the Village, NY, Spring 2003.
- Lecture Series on Orthodoxy, St John's in the Village, NY, Spring, 2003.
- "The Challenge of the Fathers," St Tikhon's Seminary, November, 2002.
- "The Question of Nicene Orthodoxy," Opening paper for the Spring Session of Byzantine Studies, Durham, UK, Spring 2002.
- "Interpreting the Incarnation," Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius Conference, England, August, 2001.
- Lectures in Patristics and Dogmatics, Saskatoon Institute on Orthodox Theology, 1999.
- "The Scholarly Dimensions of Christianity," Faculty Seminar, York University, Toronto, 1999 .
- "The Christian Church as School," Yale University, Graduate Christian Fellowship, 1999.
- "Orthodoxy," University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, 1998.
- Lectures on The Church in the Fathers, Catechesis, The Jesus Prayer, Tradition, Marriage at St Vladimir's Seminary Summer Institutes.