Бэр Дж., прот.
Профессиональные интересы: Догматическое богословие, Патрология, История Древней Церкви, История поместных и автономных Церквей
Конфессии: Православие

Краткая биографическая справка:

Американский православный священник и богослов. Декан Свято-Владимирской православной семинарии. Профессор патристики.

Родился 16 октября 1966 г.

В 1987 г. получил бакалаврскую степень в Университете Гринвича. Тема бакалаврской работы "Of God, Man, and Creation: A Comparative Study of the Anthropology of the Greek Fathers and Emmanuel Levinas".

Под руководством митрополита епископа Каллиста (Уэра) в 1991 г. получил магистерскую степень, в 1995 г. - степень PhD в Оксфордском университете. Тема магистерской диссертации "Sexuality, Marriage, and Asceticism in Second-Century Christian Writings". Тема докторской диссертации "Godly Lives: Asceticism and Anthropology, with Special Reference to Sexuality, in the Writings of St Irenaeus of Lyons and St Clement of Alexandria".

В 1995 г. стал преподавателем Свято-Владимирской семинарии

В 1997 году получил степень магистра богословия в Свято-Владимирской семинарии. Тема диссертации "Translation of Irenaeus' Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching with Introduction and Notes".

Был рукоположен во диакона 8 сентября 2001 г., в священника - 14 сентября того же года.

Был избран деканом Свято-Владимирской семинарии 18 ноября 2006 г. Начал работу в качестве декана 1 июля 2007 г.

Библиография работ автора:


  • The Glory of God: A Living Human Being (Crestwood, NY, SVS Press, forthcoming, 2011)
  • St Athanasius: On the Incarnation, translation and introduction, Popular Patristics Series (Crestwood, NY, SVS Press, 2011 November)
  • The Case Against Diodore and Theodore: Texts and Their Contexts, Oxford Early Christian Texts (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011), 526pp.
  • The Mystery of Christ: Life in Death (Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 2006). 186 pp.
  • The Nicene Faith,vol. 2 of The Formation of Christian Theology(Crestwood, NY: SVS Press, 2004). 2 vols in paper; single hardcover volume 580 pp.
  • (ed. with A. Louth and D. Conomos), Abba: The Tradition of Orthodoxy in the West: Festschrift for Bishop Kallistos Ware(New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2003). 376 pp.
  • The Way to Nicaea, vol. 1 of The Formation of Christian Theology (Crestwood: SVS Press, 2001). 261 pp.
    Romanian translation (Bucharest: Sophia, 2004).
  • Asceticism and Anthropology in Irenaeus and Clement (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000). 261 pp.
  • St Irenaeus of Lyons: On the Apostolic Preaching (Crestwood: SVS Press, 1997). 121 pp.


  • "Marriage and Asceticism," Sobornost 29:2 (2007), 24-50. Available in PDF format in English (1.22 Mb) and Russian (274.72 Kb)
  • "Taught by the Apostles," Christian History, Fall 2007
  • "One in Christ: An Historical Look," AGAIN, summer 2006
  • "For the Welfare of the Churches of God," AGAIN, summer 2006 (forthcoming).
  • "The Motherhood of the Church" and "Mary as a Type of the Church" in  Vierge Marie - Église Vierge: Acts du quatrième colloque de théologie  orthodoxe de l’Université de Sherbrooke, (Sherbrooke: Université de Sherbrooke,  Éditions G.G.C, 2005), 13-29, 83-95.
  • "Gaul," The Varieties of Christianity to 250 C.E. in The Cambridge History of Christianity,vol. 4, ed. Margaret Mitchell and Frances Young (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming).
  • "Early Christian Apologists," "Docetism," and "Irenaeus" in The New Westminster Dictionary of Church History, ed. Roberto Benedetto (Westminster John Knox Press, forthcoming).
  • "The Question of Nicene Orthodoxy," in Byzantine Orthodoxies: Papers from the Thirty-Sixth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, University of Durham, 23-25 March, 2002, ed. A. Louth and A. Casiday (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006), 15-27.
  • "Virgin Mother - Virgin Church," forthcoming in St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly. Russian translation, "Virgin Mother - Virgin Church," Bogoslovskii Vestnik 2004, no.4, 123-149.
  • "Theology and Exegesis," forthcoming in Collected Papers of the Orthodox Theological Research Forum, UK.
  • "The Trinitarian Being of the Church" St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 48:1 (2004), 67-88. Russian translation in Tserkov i Vremya 3 (28), 2004, 164-185.
  • "Social and Historical Setting (2nd Century)," for The Cambridge History of Early Christian Literature, ed. F. Young, A. Louth, L. Ayers (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004), 55-70 .
  • "Midwife of the Christian Bible," forthcoming in Christian History 80 (XXII.4).
  • "Tradition" in St Vladimir's Seminary 2003 Education Day book.
  • "Faithfulness and Creativity," in Abba (see above), 159-178.
  • "Interpreting the Incarnation," Sourozh 89 (August 2002), 15-29.
  • "Irenaeus on the Word of God," Studia Patristica 36 (Leuven: Peeters, 2001), 163-7.
  • "The Paschal Foundations of Christian Theology," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 45:2 (2001), 115-36.
  • "The Word of God in the Second Century," Pro Ecclesia 9:1 (2000) 85-107 .
  • "Scripture, the Gospel, and Orthodoxy," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 43 (1999) 223-48 .
  • "The Rational Animal: A Rereading of Gregory of Nyssa's De hominis opificio," Journal of Early Christian Studies 7:2 (1999) 219-247 .
  • "The Trinity," The Living Pulpit (April, 1999).
  • "Severus of Antioch: Eastern and Oriental Perspectives," St Nersess Theological Review 3:1-2 (1998) 23-35.
  • "A Note on the Ontology of Gender," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 42:3-4 (1998) 363-72 .
  • "Adam" and "Anthropologie" in Dictionnaire de Théologie (Presses Universitaires de France, 1997).
  • "Colossians 1:13-20: A Chiastic Reading," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 40:4 (1996) 247-65 .
  • "Translating theology," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 38:2 (1994) 235-40 .
  • "Irenaeus and the Ascetic Ideal," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 37:4 (1993) 305-13.
  • "Shifting Sands: Foucault, Brown and the Framework of Christian Asceticism," Heythrop Journal 34:1 (1993) 1-22.
  • "Reflections on the Question of Episcopal Celibacy," St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 36:1-2 (1992) 141-9.


  • St Basil the Great, On the Human Condition (2005). Translation and Introduction by Nonna (Verna) Harrison
  • St Macarius the Spirit-Bearer: Coptic Texts relating to St Macarius the Great (2004). Translation and Introduction by Tim Vivian
  • Four Desert Fathers: Pambo, Evagrius, Macarius of Egypt and Macarius of Alexandria(2004). Translation and Introduction by Tim Vivian
  • Three Treatises on Prayer: Tertullian, Cyprian, Origen (2004). Translation and Introduction by Alistair Stweart-Sykes
  • Barsanuphius and John, Letters from the Desert: A Selection of Questions and Responses(2003). Translation and Introduction by John Chryssavgis
  • St John of Damascus, Three Treatises on the Divine Images (2003). Translation and Introduction by Andrew Louth
  • St Maximus the Confessor, On the Cosmic Mystery of Christ(2003). Translation and Introduction by Paul M. Blowers and Robert Louis Wilken
  • On God and Christ: St Gregory of Nazianzus, The Five Theological Orations and Two Letters to Cledonius (2002). Translation by Frederick Williams and Lionel Wickham, Introduction by Lionel Wickham
  • On God and Man: The Theological Poetry of St Gregory of Nazianzus (2001). Translation and Introduction by Peter Gilbert
  • Hippolytus, On the Apostolic Tradition (2001). Translation and Introduction by Alistair Stewart-Sykes
  • Melito of Sardis, On Pascha (2001). Translation and Introduction by Alistair Stewart-Sykes
  • "Person and Freedom: The Grounding of Both in Ascesis", Conference of the Theological Commission, Moscow Patriarchate, November 2010.
  • "Orthodox Christianity as Paideia: Faith, Reason, and Culture in the Early Church", October 2010 Trinity Western University, BC Canada (listen here);Eastern University, PA.
  • "Male and Female Created He Them", Parish Ministries Conference, Cleveland, June 2010.
  • "Passing Beyond the Neo-Patristic Synthesis", Volos, Greece, June 2010.
  • "The Promise of the Image", Gordon College MA, May 2010 (watch on YouTube
  • "With Boldness and Without Condemnation", installation speech delivered at the inaguration of St Vladimir's new leadership, September 14, 2007.
  • "The Eschatological Dimensions of the Church", paper presented to the Orthodoxy-Wesleyan Consultation, SVS December 2005; to appear in print.
  • "The Question of Trinitarian Theology" Paper presented to Round Table on Lewis Ayres' Nicaea and Its Legacy, Harvard Divinity School, May 2005; to appear in print.
  • "The Church in Via", Paper delivered at the Plenary Session of the Conference on Eschatology held by the Theological Commission of the Moscow Patriarchate, Danielovsky Monastery, Nov. 14-17, 2005. To appear in Russian; in Georgian in Archevani January 2006.
  • "Eucharistic Ecclesiology Revisited", Paper delivered at the 2005 Summer Conference of the Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius, UK.
  • "Tradition and Creativity," paper presented at the Sixth International Congress of Orthodox Theological Schools, Sophia, Bulgaria, October 2004.
  • "Mary-Ann Donovan on St Irenaeus," paper presented to the North American Patristics Society, May 2004.
  • "Trinitarian Being of the Church," paper presented to the North American Lutheran-Orthodox Dialogue, May 2003.
  • "Virgin Mother - Virgin Church," paper to the annual meeting of the Fellowship of Sts Alban and Sergius, August 2003.
  • "Theology and Exegesis," lead paper to inaugural meeting of the Orthodox Theological Research Forum, Cuddeston, UK, August 2003.
  • "Athanasius' Contra Gentes and On the Incarnation as an apologia cruces," paper presented at the Fourteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford, August 2003.
  • Eight appearances on "Come Receive the Light," speaking about the Seven Ecumenical Councils, Spring 2003 (www.receive.org).
  • "The Challenge of the Fathers," Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville, March, 2003.
  • Lenten Retreat, St John's in the Village, NY, Spring 2003.
  • Lecture Series on Orthodoxy, St John's in the Village, NY, Spring, 2003.
  • "The Challenge of the Fathers," St Tikhon's Seminary, November, 2002.
  • "The Question of Nicene Orthodoxy," Opening paper for the Spring Session of Byzantine Studies, Durham, UK, Spring 2002.
  • "Interpreting the Incarnation," Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius Conference, England, August, 2001.
  • Lectures in Patristics and Dogmatics, Saskatoon Institute on Orthodox Theology, 1999.
  • "The Scholarly Dimensions of Christianity," Faculty Seminar, York University, Toronto, 1999 .
  • "The Christian Church as School," Yale University, Graduate Christian Fellowship, 1999.
  • "Orthodoxy," University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, 1998.
  • Lectures on The Church in the Fathers, Catechesis, The Jesus Prayer, Tradition, Marriage at St Vladimir's Seminary Summer Institutes.
Контакты: jbehr@svots.edu
Патристический гуманизм: начало христианской «пайдейи»
В статье профессора патристики Свято-Владимирской семинарии (Нью-Йорк) и Абердинского Университета (Великобритания) протоиерея Иоанна Бэра рассматривается проблема христианского гуманизма. На основании Священного Писания и трудов ранних отцов Церкви автор отвечает на парадоксальный вопрос о том, как человек может стать человеком.
Богословское образование в двадцать первом веке
Встречается мнение, что духовность и образованность в Православии — вещи, если не противоположные, то слабо сочетающиеся друг с другом. Автор представленной публикации, профессор Свято-Владимирской семинарии (Нью-Йорк, США) протоиерей Джон Бэр, убедительно доказывает, что богословское образование является неотъемлемой составляющей православного Предания. Без научения богословию Церковь не существовала в древности — без актуальной формы богословского образования для Православия окажется закрытым будущее. О сути и форме духовного образования в Православии читайте ниже.
Leaders of U.S. Orthodox Seminaries Meet at St. Vladimir's
Dean of St. Vladimir's Seminary to Assist in Rebuilding Kosovo
SVS Press: New Translations of “On the Incarnation” and “Works of the Spirit”
New translations of classic works of theology by St Athanasius the Great and Didymus the Blind now available, "On the Incarnation" with a preface by C.S Lewis.
Видеоинтервью с деканом Свято-Владимирской православной богословской семинарии протоиереем Иоанном Бэром
Видеоинтервью с деканом Свято-Владимирской православной богословской семинарии протоиереем Иоанном Бэром посвящено проблемам миссии Православной Церкви в современном мире.
Личностное бытие и свобода: их укорененность в аскезе
В творчестве крупного современного православного богослова митрополита Пергамского Иоанна (Зизиуласа) значительное место занимают такие темы, как личность, божественная и человеческая, трансцендентность личности по отношению к природе, а также ее онтологическая укорененность в свободе. Протоиерей Иоанн Бэр (Свято-Владимирская семинария, США) рассматривает в своем докладе именно эти феномены, основываясь на трудах митрополита.
Тринитарная сущность Церкви
Дева Матерь – Дева Церковь

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