
Gospel of Luke published in Nanai language with parallel Russian text
Full text of Yakut Liturgy of St John Chrysostom published
Unique Turkic-language Arabic-alphabet Gospel found in Bashkortostan
First Chechen language Bible published
The development of an indigenous Orthodox clergy and liturgical life among the Turkic Chuvash people of the Volga region
In this article, presented at the 'Celebration of Living Theology' conference in honour of Fr Andrew Louth in Durham this summer, Alison Ruth Kolosova describes the effects of the work of N.I. Ilminskii and his disciples among the Chuvash people from the 19th century to the present day. Were his efforts to promote the use of the native language in schools and churches part of the Tsarist policy of russification, or was he in fact a separatist and nationalist?
The translation of church services into modern language
An interview with Archimandrite Ephrem (Lash), the well-known translator of church services into English -- on the significance of the liturgy, the unacceptability of a symbolic interpretation of church services, and on the work of Saints Cyril and Methodius.
The Cambridge Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies broadcasts from Mount Athos
Cambridge: Jeremie Septuagint Lecture will be on Pentateuch