Milan journal publishes joint article by Hegumen Phillip (Ryabykh) and Igor Ponkin on banning the wearing of crosses in the UK

Milan magazine "The State, the Church and Religious Diversity» ("Stato, Chiese e pluralismo confessionale") has published a joint article in English "The wearing of Christian baptismal crosses", written by Hegumen Philip (Ryabykh), representative of the Russian Orthodox Church in Strasbourg and Igor Ponkin, Director of the Institute for State-Confessional relations and law.

The article reproduces the "Joint Conclusion of the Representation of the Russian Orthodox Church to the European Council and the Institute for State-Confessional relations and law "On the illegitimate nature of the ban imposed by the state on the wearing of baptismal symbols" of 9 July 2012. The document states that the wearing of a cross for the Orthodox Christians is based on the religious significance of the symbol of the Cross. The text also emphasizes that the ban on wearing a cross and other symbols of the Christian affiliation is illegal. The wearing of religious Christian symbols are not a threat to public order or the rights of others. Finally, the denial and the simplification of the religious meaning and importance of Christian crosses is unfounded.

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