Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens to visit Orthodox Church of Russia

Archbishop of Athens and All Greece Ieronymos will pay a visit to the Church of Russia May 23-30 at the invitation of Patriarch Kyrill of Moscow and All Russia.

Ieronymos, who will be accompanied by members of the Holy Synod and hierarchs, will visit Moscow and Saint Petersburg, where he will jointly officiate over a liturgy with the Patriarch and the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church. He also plans on visiting monasteries in Russia.

As announced by the Greek Holy Synod, the discussion points were elaborated during today’s meeting of the Holy Synod members. A document written by the leader of the European Union delegation regarding the law order in Kosovo was read, in which he thanks Greece’s church for the letter of the Holy Synod.

In its letter, the church urges for the prevention of the increased violent phenomena, and expresses its concern for the prevalence of piece, tolerance and justice in the wider area. The leader of the EU delegation underlined in his reply that his team is making its best efforts to enforce a law order, to promote the necessary conditions and to preserve and safeguard every historical and cultural tradition in Kosovo.

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