Launch of New Journal Humanum

This free quarterly journal is one of several expressions of the Center’s effort to bring sustained anthropological and theological reflection to the pressing cultural issues of our time, particularly as these affect children and the most vulnerable members of society, including the aged and infirm.

Humanum will engage contemporary themes—childhood, bioethics, education, work, issues concerning ecology, medicine, health, and so on—through major articles and also reviews of important and influential books.

The theme of the first issue is The Child—the first and purest expression of what it is to be human. After that, we begin a four-issue cycle on “Recovering Origins,” looking at the ways in which the origin of the child in marriage may be compromised by divorce, artificial reproduction, same-sex unions, and delinquent fatherhood. In each case we want to offer a Christian reflection on human experience.

Humanum is offered as a free service to researchers and students in the social sciences, medicine, and theology, as well as to pastoral and health-care workers, catechists, parents, teachers, and anyone concerned with the renewal of a culture of life in our time.

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