Вышел очередной номер "Journal of Biblical Literature"

Журнал основан в 1881 году в качестве научного органа Общества библейской литературы, независимого объединения ученых, работающих в соответствующих областях в ведущих университетах и исследовательских центрах мира.

Основные статьи номера:

Fear, Love, and Leadership: Posing a Machiavellian Question to the Hebrew Bible 
Stephen M. Wilson

The Scout Narrative (Numbers 13) as a Territorial Claim in the Persian Period 
Jaeyoung Jeon

The King as Priest? Royal Imagery in Psalm 110 and Ancient Near Eastern Iconography
Richard Anthony Purcell

Tamar and Her Botanical Image
Jacqueline Vayntrub

A Bias at the Heart of the Coherence-Based Genealogical Method (CBGM)
Stephen C. Carlson

The Fowler Fallacy: Biography, History, and the Genre of Luke-Acts
Andrew W. Pitts

Maranatha (1 Corinthians 16:22): Reconstruction and Translation Based on Western Middle Aramaic 
Andrew Messmer

Reading James 2:18–20 with Anti-Donatist Eyes: Untangling Augustine’s Exegetical Legacy
Kenneth M. Wilson

The Essence of a Spiritual House: Misunderstanding Metaphor and the Question of Supersessionism in 1 Peter 
Max Botner

P.Duk. inv. 764: A Fragment from a Papyrus Codex with a Quotation of Proverbs 22:20 
Nicholas E. Wagner

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