Вышел очередной номер "Journal of Theological Studies"

Основные статьи (статьи с гиперссылками доступны бесплатно):

A New Interpretation of Leviticus 18:22 (Par. 20:13) and its Ethical Implications 
Jan Joosten

Divine (In)Corporeality in Psalms and Job 
Mark W Hamilton

Freeing Ahasuerus, Haman, and Mordechai: Liberating the Oppressor in the Book of Esther 
Denise Flanders

Purification of the Body and the Reign of God in the Gospel of Mark 
Elizabeth E Shively

Dualism or Paradox? A New ‘Light’ on the Gospel of John 
Douglas Estes

Greek Manuscripts in Alexandria 
H A G Houghton, Mina Monier

Adam and Evel: Did Satan Sleep with Eve in the Greek and Latin Lives of Adam and Eve? 
J R C Cousland

Jesus at Fifty: Irenaeus on John 8:57 and the Age of Jesus 
Devin L White

Origen of Alexandria and the History of Racism as a Theological Problem 
Matthijs den Dulk

Who Convened the First Council of Nicaea: Constantine or Ossius? 
Samuel Fernández

Tracing the Spirit: Christology in Gregory of Nyssa’s Contra Eunomium III 
Alexander L Abecina

Reconsidering the Relationship Between (Pseudo-)Didymus’s De Trinitate and Cyril of Alexandria’s Contra Julianum 
Matthew R Crawford

The Woman at the Well and the Limits of Biblical Scholarship: Maximus the Confessor’s Scholion on Thal. 41 
Adam G Cooper

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