
Ramfos, Stelios
Barnes, Michael, SJ
The Best Patristics is Always Confessional
An interview with Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury.
Through the Eye of a Needle: Wealth, the Fall of Rome, and the Making of Christianity in the West, 350-550 AD
Jesus taught his followers that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven. Yet by the fall of Rome, the church was becoming rich beyond measure. Through the Eye of a Needle is a sweeping intellectual and social history of the vexing problem of wealth in Christianity in the waning days of the Roman Empire, written by the world's foremost scholar of late antiquity. Peter Brown examines the rise of the church through the lens of money and the challenges it posed to an institution that espoused the virtue of poverty and called avarice the root of all evil.

Иисус учил своих последователей, что легче верблюду пройти через игольное ушко, нежели богатому войти в Царство Небесное. Тем не менее, ко времени падения Рима, Церковь стала богатой сверх меры. «Сквозь Игольное Ушко» - это  развернутая интеллектуальная и социальная история неприятной темы наличия богатства в христианстве в последние дни существования Римской империи, написанная сообществом ученых поздней античности. Питер Браун рассматривает возрастание Церкви через призму денег и тех вызовов, которые они бросили Церкви, поддерживающей добродетель нестяжания и называющей алчность корнем всех зол.  
Duke University to hold ASOR/BAS Seminar on Biblical Archaeology
Christians, Muslims, Jews call for peace from Sarajevo
Oxford: Workshop on the reception of Josephus by Jews and Christians
World Heritage Committee pays special attention to sites of religious interest
Beauty in the Word: Rethinking the Foundations of Education
BEAUTY IN THE WORD, published by Angelico Press, offers a new Catholic philosophy of education, completing the retrieval of the seven liberal arts begun in Beauty for Truth's Sake by examining the language arts, the "Trivium", which Dorothy L. Sayers made the basis of Classical Education in her famous essay, "The Lost Tools of Learning". But this book tries to go further than Sayers.
Interreligious Learning: Dialogue, Spirituality and the Christian Imagination
Taking the theme of learning as central to the responsible practice of interfaith dialogue, Michael Barnes discusses a Christian spirituality which builds on virtues of hospitality and the welcoming of other traditions, whilst maintaining the importance of difference and particularity in the search for meaning. Each chapter explores how faith grows as a person crosses a threshold into another religious world and learns sensitivity to echoes of the known in the unknown.
Jerusalem tomb reveals first archaeological evidence of Christianity from the time of Jesus
Sectarian strife reportedly contained in Egypt’s Sharqiya
Christian communicators celebrate World Radio Day
Poll: Every second Russian believes abortions and euthanasia acceptable
African Anglicans appeal for inter-faith peace
Ecumenical group cites increased attacks against Palestinian villages
Schmemann Lecture: Dr. Margaret Barker “Journeys” from Solomon's Temple to Christian Church
Doctrine and Debate in the East Christian World, 300-1500
The reign of Constantine (306-37), the starting point for the series in which this volume appears, saw Christianity begin its journey from being just one of a number of competing cults to being the official religion of the Roman/Byzantine Empire. The involvement of emperors had the, perhaps inevitable, result of a preoccupation with producing, promoting and enforcing a single agreed version of the Christian creed. Under this pressure Christianity in the East fragmented into different sects, disagreeing over the nature of Christ, but also, in some measure, seeking to resist imperial interference and to elaborate Christianities more reflective of and sensitive to local concerns and cultures. 
Summer Course “Polemos/Pulmus: Ways of Confrontation in Judaism, Paganism and Christianity in Late Antiquity”
Christian-Muslim joint conference in Lebanon to discuss Christians in the Middle East
Priest Andrew Louth on Christianity and Neoplatonism
Priest Andrew Louth, Professor at Durham University (UK), shares his thoughts on the use of the same religious terms in Christian theology and by the Neoplatonists.
James M. Kuyama on patrology in Japan
Interview with James M. Kuyama, Professor at the Department of Literature, Meiji Gakuin University, on the current interest in patristics in Japan.
Only 1% of Russia's Orthodox believers active in parish life
New Pew Forum Study Estimates Global Christian Population at 2.18 Billion