Дюбуа Ив, свящ.
Профессиональные интересы: Догматическое богословие, Пастырское богословие, Литургическое богословие
Конфессии: Православие

Краткая биографическая справка: Priest of Parish of St John of Kronstadt, Bath, UK. Educated at King's College London and St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, NY, USA.
Sermon on the Transfiguration
How we can allow the Uncreated Divine Light the Apostles saw on Mount Tabor to shine in our lives? What can we do to nourish our experience of the Transfiguration of Christ? Fr Yves Dubois discusses three areas on which we can work: the New Testament, the Jesus Prayer and the Mother of God.
God as Saint John of Kronstadt saw Him
In this talk, originally given at the Parish of Saint John of Kronstadt in Bath, England, Fr Yves Dubois examines the teachings of Saint John of Kronstadt, in the context of his own life and of 19th century Russia, looking at their application to the lives of Christians today.

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