Стерлинг Г.
Профессиональные интересы: Новый Завет, Ветхий Завет, Текстология, Экзегетика и герменевтика
Конфессии: Протестантизм

Краткая биографическая справка:

Декан Йельской богословской школы. Профессор Нового Завета.

В 1978 г. получил бакалаврскую степень по истории христианства в Хьюстонском баптистском университете. В 1979 г. закончил пост-бакаларвский курс по классической филологии в Университете Хьюстона.

В 1980 г. получил магистерскую степень по богословию в Pepperdine University, в 1982 г. получил вторую магистерскую степень по классической филологии в Университете Калифорнии.

Докторскую диссертацию (PhD) защитил в Graduate Theological Union.

В 1982-1987 гг. являлся преподавательским ассистентом в Университете Калифорнии, в 1987-1989 гг. - преподаватель "Нью Колледжа" в Беркли.

В 1989-1990 гг. - приглашенный доцент в Университете Нотр Дам, в 1990-1995 гг. - там же постоянный доцент.

В 1995-2000 гг. - профессор Университета Нотр Дам, с 2000 г. - штатный профессор.

С 2012 г. - профессор Йельской богословской школы и одновременно ее декан.

Библиография работ автора:


2008 Coptic Paradigms: A Summary of Sahidic Coptic Morphology. Leuven/Paris/Dudley: Peeters, 2008. Pp. xii + 95.
2004 Armenian Paradigms. Revised and edited by Michael Stone. Leuven/Paris/Dudley: Peeters, 2004. Pp. x + 44.
1992, 2006 Historiography and Self-Definition: Josephos, Luke-Acts, and Apologetic Historiography. NovTSup 64. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1992. Pp. xv + 500. Paperback reprint edition, Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2006.

Под редакцией

2004 Sapiential Perspectives: Wisdom Literature in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium of the Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Literature, 20-22 May 2001. Edited by John J. Collins, Gregory E. Sterling, and Ruth A. Clements. Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah 51. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2004. Pp. x + 210.
2001 The Ancestral Philosophy: Hellenistic Philosophy in Greek-Speaking Judaism (Essays of David Winston). SPhM 4/BJS 331. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2001. Pp. viii + 249.
2001 Hellenism in the Land of Israel. Edited by John J. Collins and Gregory E. Sterling. Christianity and Judaism in Antiquity Series 13. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2001. Pp. ix + 343.

Статьи в серии The Studia Philonica Annual
In press The Studia Philonica Annual 24 (2012). Co-edited with David T. Runia. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature.
2011 The Studia Philonica Annual 23 (2011). Co-edited with David T. Runia. Atlanta: Socieety of Biblical Literature, 2011. Pp. x + 215.
2010 The Studia Philonica Annual 22 (2010). Co-edited with David T. Runia. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2010. Pp. x + 326.
2009 The Studia Philonica Annual 21 (2009). Co-edited with David T. Runia. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2009. Pp. x + 161
2008 The Studia Philonica Annual 20 (2008). Co-edited with David T. Runia. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2008. Pp. viii +n 258.
2007 The Studia Philonica Annual 19 (2007). Ço-edited with David T. Runia. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2007. Pp. viii + 239.
2006 The Studia Philonica Annual 18 (2006). Co-edited with David T. Runia. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2006. Pp. x + 243.
2005 The Studia Philonica Annual 17 (2005). Co-edited with David T. Runia. BJS 344. Providence: Brown University, 2005. Pp. viii + 264.
2004 The Studia Philonica Annual 16 (2004). Co-edited with David T. Runia. BJS 339. Providence: Brown University, 2004. Pp. viii + 333.
2003 Stamped with the Seal of Nature: Natural Law in Philo of Alexandria (The Studia Philonica Annual) 15 (2003). Co-edited with David T. Runia and Hindy Najman. BJS 337. Providence: Brown University, 2003. Pp. x +199.
2002 The Studia Philonica Annual 14 (2002). Co-edited with David T. Runia. BJS 335. Providence: Brown University, 2002. Pp. viii + 247.
2001 In the Spirit of Faith: Studies in Philo of Alexandria and Early Christianity in Honor of David M. Hay (The Studia Philonica Annual 13 (2001). Coedited with David T. Runia. BJS 332. Providence: Brown University, 2001. Pp. xii + 304.
2000 The Studia Philonica Annual 12 (2000). Co-edited with David T. Runia. BJS 328. Providence: Brown University, 2000. Pp. viii + 241.
1999 The Studia Philonica Annual 11 (1999). Co-edited with David T. Runia. BJS 323. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1999. Pp. vii + 194.
1997 Wisdom and Logos: Studies in Jewish Thought in Honor of David Winston (The Studia Philonica Annual 9). Co-edited with David T. Runia. BJS 312. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1997. Pp. xxiii +394. Philo of Alexandria


Forthcoming “’Prolific in Expression and Broad in Thought: Internal References to Philo’s Alleogrical Commentary and Exposiiton of the Law.” Euphrosyne
2008 “From Apostle to the Gentiles to Apostle to the Church: Images of Paul at the End of the First Century.” Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche 98 (2008): 74-98.
2006 “’The Queen of the Virtues’: Piety in Philo of Alexandria,” The Studia Philonica Annual 18 (2006): 103-24.
2005 “’Day One’: Platonizing Exegetical Traditions of Genesis 1:1-5 in John and Philo of Alexandria.” The Studia Philonica Annual 17 (2005): 118-40.
2003 “’Philo Has Not Been Used Half Enough’: The Significance of Philo of Alexandria for the Study of the New Testament.” Perspectives in Religious Studies 30 (2003): 251-69.
2003 “Universalizing the Particular: Natural Law in Second Temple Jewish Ethics.” The Studia Philonica Annual 15 (2003): 61-76.
2002 “Making the Past Present: The Historical-Critical Method and Faith in Hermeneutics.” Restoration Quarterly 44 (2002): 65-72.
2001 “Mors Philosophi: The Death of Jesus in Luke.” Harvard Theological Review (2001): 383-402.
1999 “Recherché or Representative? What is the Relationship between Philo’s Treatises and Greek-Speaking Judaism?” The Studia Philonica Annual 11 (1999): 1-30.
1999 “‘The School of Sacred Laws’: The Social Setting of Philo’s Treatises.” Vigiliae Christianae 53 (1999):148-64.
1995 “Wisdom among the Perfect: Creation Traditions in Alexandrian Judaism and Corinthian Christianity.” Novum Testamentum 37 (1995): 355-84.
1995 “‘Thus are Israel’: Jewish Self-Definition in Alexandria.” The Studia Philonica Annual 7 (1995): 1-18.
1994 “‘Athletes of Virtue’: An Analysis of the Summaries in Acts (2:41-47; 4:32-35; 5:12-16).” Journal of Biblical Literature 113 (1994): 679-96.
1993 “Platonizing Moses: Philo and Middle Platonism.” The Studia Philonica Annual 5 (1993): 96-111.
1993 “Jesus as Exorcist: An Analysis of Matthew 17:14-20; Mark 9:14-29; Luke 9:37-43a.” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 55 (1993): 467-93.
1992 “Creatio Temporalis, Aeterna, vel Continua? An Analysis of the Thought of Philo of Alexandria.” The Studia Philonica Annual 4 (1992): 15-41.
1991 “Philo’s Quaestiones: Prolegomena or Afterthought?” Pp. 99-123 in Both Literal and Allegorical: Studies in Philo of Alexandria’s Questions and Answers on Genesis and Exodus. Edited by David Hay. BJS 232. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1991. NOTE: This was refereed by the former Studia Philonica board since it was an unsolicited contribution.

Главы в книгах
Forthcoming “Eupolemus,” In The Lost Bible. Edited by Louis Feldman et al. Jewish Publication Society.
Forthcoming “Pseudo-Eupolemus.” In The Lost Bible. Edited by Louis Feldman et al. Jewish Publication Society.
Forthcoming “Philo, Hypotehtica.” In The Lost Bible. Edited by Louis Feldman et al. Jewish Publication Society.
Forthcoming “Different Traditions or Emphases: The Image of God in Philo’s De opificio mundi. In New Approaches to the Study of Biblical Interpretation in Judaism of the Second Temple Period and in Early Christianity: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium of the Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Literature, June 2007.” Edited by Gary Anderson, Ruth Clements, and David Satran. Leiden: Brill.
2012 “From the ‘Least of all the Saints’ to the ‘Apostle of Jesus Christ’: The Transformation of Paul in the First Century.” Pp. 220-47 in Paul and the Heritage of Israel: Paul’s Claim upon Israel’s Legacy in Luke and Acts in the Light of the Pauline Letters. . Edited by David Moesner. Daniel Marguerat, Mikeal C. Parsons, and Michael Wolter. Library of New Testament Studies 452. Edinburgh: T & T Clark.
2012 “’The Image of God’: Becoming Like God in Philo, Paul, and Early Christianity.” Pp. 157-73 in Portraits of Jesus: Essays in Christology. FS Harold W. Attridge. Edited by Susan Myers. WUNT 2.321. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
2012 “When the Beginning is the End: The Place of Genesis in the Commentaries of Philo of Alexandria.” Pp. 427-46 in The Book of Genesis: Composition, Reception, and Interpretation. Edited by Craig A. Evans, Joel N. Lohr, and David L. Petersen. Formation and Interpretation of Old Testament Literature. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2012.
2012 “The Interpreter of Moses: Philo of Alexandria and the Biblical Text.” Pp. 413-35 in The Companion on Biblical Interpretation in Early Judaism. Edited by Matthias Henze. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,, 2012..
2012 “Which Version of the Greek Bible Did Philo Read?” Pp. 89-127 in Pentateuchal Traditions in the Late Second Temple Period: Proceedings of the Internatioanl Workshop in Tokyo, August 28-31, 2007. Edited by Gohei Hata and Akio Moriya.. JSJsup 158. Leiden:/Boston E. J. Brill. NOTE: This is a fuller version of the same essay published in Japanese in 2011.
2011 “Which Version of the Greek Bible Did Philo Read?” Pp. 161-96 in Kodaisekai ni-okeru Mose-gohso no Densho.(Pentateuchal Traditions in the Ancient World) Edited by Gohei Hata and Akio Moriya. Kyoto: Kyoto University Academic Press, 2011. (Japanese)
2010 “Philo’s De agricultura: Introduction.” SPhA 22 (2010): 83-85.
2010 “The Hypothetica: Introduction.” SPhA 22 (2010): 139-42.
2010 “Luke as a Reader of the LXX.” Pp. 161-79 in Biblical Interpretation in Early Christian Gospels. Volume 3: The Gospel of Luke. Edited by Thomas Hatina. Library of New Testament Studies 376. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 2010.
2009 “How do You Introduce Philo: of Alexandria? The Cambridge Companion to Philo: A Review Article.” Pp. 63-72 in The Studia Philonica Annual 21 (2009).
2009 “’Do You Understand What You are Reading?’: The Understanding of the LXX in Luke-Acts.” Pp. 101-18 in Die Apostelgeschichte im Kontext antiker und frühchristlicher Historiographie. Edited by Jorg Frey, Clare Rothschild, and Jens Schröter. BZNW 162. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2009.
2009 “Philosophy as the Handmaid of Wisdom: Philosophy in the Exegetical Traditions of Alexandrian Jews.” Pp. 67-98 in Philosophy in Ancient Literature. Edited by Rainer Hirsch-Luipold, Herwig Görgemanns, and Michael von Albrecht. STAC 51. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2009.
2008 “‘Turning to God’: Conversion in Greek-Speaking Judaism and Early Christianity.” Pp. 69-95 in Scripture and Traditions: Essays on Early Judaism and Christianity in Honor of Carl Holladay. Edited by Patrick Gray and Gail O’Day. NovTSup Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2008
2008 “Prayer as Theological Reflection: The Function of Prayer in Ephesians.” Pp. 567-96 in Empsychoi Logoi: Festschrift for Pieter van der Horst. Edited by Albert de Jong, Magda Misset, and Alberdina Houtman. Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2008.
2008 “’Where Two or Three are Gatherred’: The Tradition History of the Parable of the Banquet (Matt 22:1-14//Luke 14:16-24//Gos. Thom. 64.” Pp. 95-121 in Das Thomasevangelium im Kontext der frühchristlichen und spätantiken Literatur- und Religionsgeschichte. Edited by Jens Schröter, Jörg Frey, and Enno Edzard Popkes. BZNW 157. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2008.
2008 “Philo’s De Abrahamo: Introduction.” SPhA 20 (2008): 129-31. 2007 “’The Most Ancient and Reliable Record of the Past’: The Jewish Appropriation of Hellenistic Historiography.” Pp. 231-43 in Companion to Greek & Roman Historiography .Edited by John Marincola. Oxford: Blackwell.
2006 “Philo of Alexandria and the Historical Jesus.” Pp. 296-308 in The Historical Jesus in Context. Edited by A. J. Levine, Dale Allison, and John Dominic Crossan. Princeton Readings in Religion 12. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 2006.
2006 “The First Theologian: The Originality of Philo of Alexandria.” Pp. 145-62 in Renewing the Tradition: Festschrift for James Thompson. Edited by Mark W. Hamilton, Thomas H. Olbricht, and Jeffrey Peterson. Pasedena: Wipf & Stock, 2006
2005 “’The Jewish Philosophy’: The Presence of Hellenistic Philosophy in Jewish Exegesis in the Second Temple Period.” Pp. 131-53 in Ancient Judaism in its Hellenistic Context. Edited by Carol Bakhos. JSJSup. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2005.
2005 “Philo and the Tradition of Logos Theology: Introduction.” SPhA 17 (2005): 102.
2004 “The Place of Philo of Alexandria in the Study of Christian Origins.” Pp. 21-52 in Philo und das Neue Testament, Wechselseitige Wahrnehmungen. I. Internationales Symposium zum Corpus Judaeo-Hellenisticum 1.-4. Mai 2003, Eisenach/Jena. Edited by Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr and Roland Deines. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 2004.
2004 “Was there a Common Ethic in Second Temple Judaism?” Pp. 171-94 in Sapiential Perspectives: Wisdom Literature in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium of the Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Literature, 20-22 May 2001. Edited by John J. Collins, Gregory E. Sterling, and Ruth A. Clements. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2004.
2001 “Ontology versus Eschatology: Tensions between Author and Community in Hebrews.” Pp. 190-211 in In the Same Spirit of Faith: Studies in Philo of Alexandria and Early Christianity in Honor of David M. Hay (The Studia Philonica Annual) 13 (2001). Edited by David T. Runia and Gregory E. Sterling. BJS. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature.
2001 “A History of the Philo of Alexandria Program Unit in the Society of Biblical Literature.” Pp. 25-34 in In the Spirit of Faith: Studies in Philo of Alexandria and Early Christianity in Honor of David M. Hay (The Studia Philonica Annual) 13 (2001). Edited by David T. Runia and Gregory E. Sterling. BJS. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature.
2001 “Judaism between Jerusalem and Alexandria.” Pp. 263-301 in Hellenism in the Land of Israel, Edited by John J. Collins and Gregory E. Sterling. Christianity and Judaism in Antiquity. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2001.
2000 “‘Pray Always’: Prayer in Luke-Acts.” Pp. 67-88 in Preaching from Luke-Acts. Edited by David Fleer and Dave Bland. Abilene, TX: Abilene Christian University Press, 2000.
2000 “Explaining Defeat: Polybius and Josephus on the Wars with Rome.” Pp. 135-51 in Internationales Josephus-Kolloquium Aarhus 1999. Edited by J. U. Kalms. Münsteraner Judaistische Studien 6. Münster: Institutum Judaicum Delitzschianum, 2000.
1999 “Opening the Scriptures: The Legitimacy of the Jewish Diaspora and the Early Christian Mission.” Pp. 199-225 in Jesus and the Heritage of Israel. Edited by D.avid P. Moesner. Harrisburg, PA: Trinity, 1999.
1998 “An Invisible Presence: Josephus’ Retelling of Ruth.” Pp. 104-71 in Understanding Josephus: Seven Perspectives. Edited by Steve Mason. JSNTSup. Sheffield: Sheffield University Press, 1998.
1998 “A Philosophy according to the Elements of the Cosmos: Colossian Christianity and Philo of Alexandria.” Pp. 349-73 in Philo d’Alexandrie et le langage de la philosophie.” Edited by Carlos Lévy. Turmhout: Brepols, 1998.
1997 “Hellenistic Philosophy and the New Testament.” Pp. 313-58 in Handbook to Exegesis of the New Testament. Edited by Stanley Porter. NTTS. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1997.
1997 “The Path of Wisdom: A Portrait of David Winston.” The Studia Philonica Annual 9 (1997): xi-xxiii.
1997 “Prepositional Metaphysics in Jewish Wisdom Speculation and Early Christological Liturgical Texts.” The Studia Philonica Annual 9 (1997): 219-38.
1997 “The Bond of Humanity: Friendship in Philo of Alexandria.” Pp. 203-23 in Graeco-Roman Perspectives on Friendship. Edited by John Fitzgerald. SBLRBS 34. Atlanta: Scholars Press.
1995 “Recluse or Representative? Philo and Greek-Speaking Judaism Beyond Alexandria.” Pp. 595-616 in The Society of Biblical Literature Seminar Papers. Edited by Eugene H. Lovering, Jr. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1995.
1995 “Philo of Alexandria Commentary Series.” The Studia Philonica Annual 7 (1995) 161-68.
1993 “Women in the Hellenistic and Roman Worlds (323 BCE-138 CE).” 1:41-92 in Essays on Women in Earliest Christianity. 2 vols. Edited by Carroll D. Osburn. Joplin, Missouri: College Press, 1993.
1990 “Philo and the Logic of Apologetics: An Analysis of the Hypothetica.” Pp. 412-30 in The Society of Biblical Literature Seminar Papers. Edited by David J. Lull. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1990.
1989 “Luke-Acts and Apologetic Historiography.” Pp. 326-42 in The Society of Biblical Literature Seminar Papers. Edited by David J. Lull. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1989.

Статьи в энциклопедиях и словарях

Forthcoming “Philo Judaeus.” Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Oxford: Blackwell.
Forthocming “Conversion. Judaism. Second Temple and Hellenistic Judaism,” “Chaeremon.” Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception. Berlin/New York: DeGruyter.
2010 “Philo of Alexandria,” “Tiberius Julius Alexander,” Pp. 1-17 and 1-4. Dictionary of Early Judaism. Edited by John J. Collins and Daniel Harlow. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.
2010 “Philo of Alexandria,” Pp. 957-58 in Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity. Edited by Daniel Patte. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2007 “Hellenistic Moral Philosophy.” Pp. 151-56 in Encyclopedia of the Interpretation of the New Testament. Edited by Stanley Porter. London: Routledge, 2007.
2000 “Historians (Graeco-Roman)” and “Philo.” Pp. 499-504 and 789-93 respectively in Dictionary of New Testament Background. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 2000.
2000 “Philo Judaeus,” “Luke, Gospel of,” and “Acts.” Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
1995 “Golden Rule,” “Lord,” “Miracles [in the Bible],” “Philo of Alexandria,” “Temptations of Christ,” and “Tithing.” Pp. 574, 794, 867-68, 998, 1245, 1257 in Harper Collins Encyclopedia of Catholicism. Edited by Richard P. McBrien. San Francisco: HarperCollins,

Электронные публикации

2009 “Anapsuxis,” “Ergon,” “Koinonia,” “Metanoia,” “Diakonos,” New Testament Language Project. Edited by Richard Harley. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, forthcoming. Now at http://ntlp.net

Контакты: gregory.sterling@yale.edu (203) 432-5304

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