Профессор Фрибургского университета, католический священник, доминиканец
В 1959 г. Вивиано вступил в орден доминиканцев, а в 1966 г. рукоположен в сан священника.
1962 - бакалавр искусств (BA) в области философии, Институт философии Фомы Аквинского в Ривер-Форесте.
1963 - магистр искусств (MA) в области философии, Институт философии Фомы Аквинского в Ривер-Форесте.
1965 - обучение еврейскому языку в Еврейском объединенном колледже, Цинцинатти, Огайо
1966 - магистр искусств (MA) в области богословия, Институт богословия Фомы Аквинского, Дубьюк, Айова
1967 - степень (S.T.Lic., и S.T.Lr.) в области богословия Понтификального факультета Непорочного Зачатия, Вашингтон
1967-1968 - обучение греческому и семитским языкам, библейской экзегетике в университетах Гарварда, Кембриджа и Массачусетса. Капеллан института св. Доминика, Бруклин, Массачусетс.
1969 - степень (S.S.B.) по Новому Завету, Понтификальный Библейский институт, Рим.
1971-1972 - обучение в Библейской школе Иерусалима.
1972-1976 - преподаватель Нового Завета в Институте богословия Фомы Аквинского, Дубьюк, Айова
1976 - доктор философии (PhD) в области исследований Библии университета Дьюка, Дарем, Северная Каролина.
1976-1978 - доцент по Новому Завету в Институте богословия Фомы Аквинского, Дубьюк, Айова
1978 -1981 - профессор Нового Завета в Институте богословия Фомы Аквинского
1977 - степень (S.S.L.) Понтификальной Библейской Комиссии, Рим.
1977-1978 - научный отпуск с целью исследования таргумов в Левен, Бельгия.
1981-1984 - профессор Нового Завета Института Фомы Аквинского, Сент-Луис, Миссури
1982-1983 - научный отпуск с целью исследования Евангелия от Матфея во Франкфурт
1984-1995 - профессор Нового Завета Библейской школы Иерусалима (с 1989 г. ординарный профессор).
1986-1990 - помощник настоятелья доминиканской общины монастыря св. Стефана, Иерусалим
С 1995 г. профессор Нового Завета Фрибургского университета
С 1999 - помощник настоятеля Альбертинума, Фрибург
Является членом Католической Библейской Ассоциации, Общества Библейской литературы, Общества исследования Нового Завета
What Catholics Should Know About Jews, with Rabbi Edward Zerin, Priory Press, 1966.
Study as Worship: Aboth and the New Testament. Studies in Judaism in Late Antiquity, vol. 26; Leiden: Brill, 1978.
The Orthodox Evangelicals, ed. R. Webber and D. Bloesch. New York: Nelson, 1978, chapter 12.
Illustrated Dictionary and Concordance of the Bible, NT editor, with G. Wigoder. New York: Macmillan/London: Collier Macmillan, 1986.
The Kingdom of God in History. Good News Studies 27; Wilmington, Delaware: Michael Glazier, 1988.
Commentary on Matthew, New Jerome Bible Commentary, ed. J.A. Fitzmyer. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1989.
translator, M.-E. Boismard, Moses or Jesus; An essay in Johannine Christology. Minneapolis: Fortress/Leuven: Peeters, 1993.
Kázanie na Hore: Prednáflky (= The Sermon on the Mount: Lectures). Koflice, Slovakia: Sursum, 1992.
American Catholics and the Intellectual Life (Atlanta: Emory, 1996).
La Bible de Jérusalem, 3e édition, Paris: Cerf, 1998, éditeur responsable pour les évangiles synoptiques et les épУtres catholiques.
Le Judaïsme, L'anti-judaïsme, le Christianisme. St-Maurice, Switzerland: Editions St-Augustin, 1999.
Traduction du livre de B. Montagnes, The Story of Father Marie-Joseph Lagrange, Founder of Modern Catholic Bible Study (New York: Paulist Press) 2006.
Trinity-Kingdom-Church: New Testament Essays. Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus; Fribourg: Editions Universitaires, 2000
Matthew and His World: The Gospel of the Open Jewish Christians Studies in biblical Theology (NTOA 61) Fribourg/ Göttingen 2007
with M. Delgado (Ed.), Le dialogue interreligieux (Studia Friburgensia 103) Fribourg 2007
"Duns Scotus and the Immortality of the Soul", Reality 10, 1962, 114-130.
"A Note on Exodus 3:14", Listening 1, 1965.
"The Anawim Spirituality of Vatican II", Dominicana 51, 1966. 303-310.
"The Mess in the Missouri Synod", The Priest 31, 1975, 39-42.
"The Origins of Christian Study", Cross and Crown 29, 1977, 216-226.
"St. Paul and the Ministry of Women", Spirituality Today 30, 1978, 37-44.
"The Letter to the Ephesians: A Vision for the Church", The Bible Today, April 1979, no. 102, pp. 2019-1026.
"Where was the Gospel according to Matthew Written?", Catholic Biblical Quarterly 41, 1979, 533-546.
"The Kingdom of God in Albert and Thomas", The Thomist 44, 1980, 502-522.
"Schillebeeckx' Jesus and Christ Contributions to Christian Life", Spirituality Today 34, 1982, 129-143.
"Kasemann's Romans Commentary, review article", The Thomist 45, 1981, 642-647.
"Matthew, Master of Ecumenical Infighting", Currents in Theology and Mission, 10, 1983, 325-332.
"Theological Reflections on Contemplata aliis tradere", Dominican Ashram 3 (1984) 13-21.
"The Missionary Program of John's Gospel", The Bible Today 22 (1984) 387-393.
"L'Eglise en perpétuelle dialectique entre Jacques et Etienne", Proche-Orient Chrétien 36 (1986) 3-5.
"La Parabole des Dix Vierges (Mt 25,1-13)", Revue Biblique 94 (1987) 425-428.
"The Kingdom of God in the Qumran Literature", in The Kingdom of God in 20th-Century Interpretation, ed. Wendell Willis (Peabody, Mass.: Henrickson, 1987), pp. 97-107.
"Render unto Caesar (Mark 12:13-17)", The Bible Today 26 (1988) 272-276.
"Invitation", Dominican Ashram December 1988, 172-175.
"The High Priest's Servant's Ear: Mark 14:47", Revue Biblique 96 (1989) 71-80.
Статьи в словаре Dictionary of Biblical Interpretation (Abingdon) on: L.F. Abel, P.M. Benoit, Adolf Schlatter, E.P. Dhorme, Roland de Vaux.
Article "1 Q Mess ar" = Messianic Aramaic text from Qumran, for Anchor Bible Dictionary.
"Social World and Community Leadership: The Case of Matthew 23.1-12,34", Journal for the Study of the New Testament 39 (1990) 3-21.
"The Genres of Matthew 1-2: Light from 1 Timothy 1:4", Revue Biblique 97 (1990) 31-53.
"Rabbouni and Mark 9:5", Revue Biblique 97 (1990) 207-218.
"The Pharisees in Matthew 23", The Bible Today 27 (1989) 338-344.
"Foundations of Religious Life Revisited", Religious Life Review (Dublin) 29 (19909) 42-3.
"French Archaeologists", by Pierre Benoit, translated by B.T. Viviano, in Benchmarks in Time and Eternity: Essays in Honor of Joseph A. Callaway, ed. J.F. Drinkard, Jr., G.L. Mattingly, and J.M. Miller. Archeology and Biblical Studies 01; Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1988, pp. 63-86.
"Profiles of Archaeological Institutes: Ecole Biblique et Archéologique de Jérusalem", Biblical Archaeologist 54 (1991) 160-167.
"Sadducees, Angels, and Resurrection (Acts 23:8-9)", Journal of Biblical Literature 111 (1992) 505-507.
"The Kingdom of God in the New Testament", Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt
"Beatitudini a Qumran", I Martedi (Bologna) 16 (1992) 21-23.
"Beatitudes Found Among Dead Sea Scrolls", Biblical Archaeology Review 18.6 (1992) 53-55, 66.
"Eight Beatitudes from Qumran", The Bible Today 31.4 (July 1993) 219-224.
"Eight Beatitudes at Qumran and in Matthew? A New Publication from Cave Four", Svensk Exegetisk јrsbok 58 (1993) 71-84.
"Hillel and Jesus on Prayer", in Hillel and Jesus, ed. J.H. Charlesworth. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1994. Pp. check.
"Catholic Perceptions of the Jewish People Since the Second World War," in ed. R.S. Wistrich, Terms of Survival: The Jewish World Since 1945 (London/N.Y.: Routledge, 1995) 349-367.
"The Historical Jesus in the Doubly Attested Sayings, An Experiment," Revue Biblique 103 (1996), 367-410.
"From Sabbath to Sunday," Mishkan 22 (1995) 90-93.
Articles on M-J. Lagrange, R. De Vaux, P.Benoit, École Biblique in ed. R.P. McBrien, The Harpercollins Encyclopedia of Catholicism (San Francisco: Harper, 1995).
Articles on Beatitudes, and Study and Education, in The Oxford Encyclopedia for the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Article on S. Saller, in Oxford Encyclopedia of New Eastern Archaeology.
"The Spirit in John's Gospel: A Hegelian Perspective," Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie 43 (1996) 368-387.
"Hillel and Jesus on Prayer," in eds. J.H. Clarlesworth and L.L. Johns, Hillel and Jesus (Minneapolis: Fortress, 1996) 1-55.
"The Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Mary? The Eschatology of Daniel and Jesus and the Marian Eschatology of J.-C. Colin", Forum Novum (Rome) 3.4 (1996) 479-520.
"The Movement of the Star. Matt 2:9 and Num 9:17," Revue Biblique 103.1 (1996) 58-64.
Articles on Mountain, Blessing, Beatitude, Kingdom of God, in ed. C. Stuhlmueller, Pastoral Dictionary of Biblical Theology (Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 1996).
"A Psychology of Faith: Matt 27:54 in the Light of Exod 14:30-31, Revue Biblique 104.3 (1997), 368-372.
"Dominican Authors Writing in French on St. Joseph in the 20th Century", Studies in Josephology, Montreal (forthcoming).
"Dialogue with Greek Orthodox New Testament Exegetes," Newsletter of the Dominican Chicago Province.
"The Least in the Kingdom. Matt 11:11, Luke 7:28, and Dan 4:14," Catholic Biblical Quarterly (forthcoming).
"Peter as Jesus' Mouth: Matthew 16:13-20 in the Light of Exodus 4:10-17 and Other Models," SBL Seminar Papers (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1998), pp. 226-252; (abridged form) "Peter as the Mouthpiece of Jesus", Scripture in Church 29 (1999) 373-382.
"The Structure of the Prologue of John (1:1-18): A Note", Revue Biblique (105.2 (1998) 176-184; "Bemerkungen zur Struktur des Johannesprologs", in: Auferstehung hat einen Namen: FS Hermann-Josef Venetz, ed. S. Bieberstein und D. Kosch (Luzern: Exodus, 1998), 167-175.
"The Trinity in the Old Testament: From Daniel 7:13-14 to Matt 28:19," Theologische Zeitschrift 54 (1998) 193-209.
"The Christian and the State According to the New Testament and in the Early Church," and "Nationalism and Christian Faith," in: International Bible Commentary, ed. Wm. R. Farmer (Collegeville, MN, 1998). Pp. 324-332.
"Benoit", "Abel", "Schlatter", "Dhorme", "De†Vaux", in: Dictionary of Biblical Interpretation, ed. J.H. Hayes (Nashville: Abingdon, 1999).
"Les devises dominicaines et la Bible," Sources 25 (1999) 102-108; English version forthcoming.
"Biblical Millennarianism and its Echoes in the History of the Church", Sources (forthcoming).
"Giordano Bruno," Sources (forthcoming).
"The Law in James," in Festschrift for K.G. Sandelin (јbo, Finland) (forthcoming).
"Hermeneutical and Ecumenical Reflections on the Kingdom of God," Vatican - World Alliance of Reformed Churches (forthcoming).
Report on Vatican - Reformed Meeting in Venice, Provincial Newsletter (1998) 18;
"Three Italian Saints," La Rondine 2 (1998) 1-4.
"The Historical-Critical Method in Modern Biblical Studies: Yes or No?" (To be published in the proceedings of the Dominican biblical studies conference, Jerusalem, September 1999.)
"The Historical Jesus and the Biblical and Pharisaic Sabbath (Mark 2:23-28 parr; 3:1-6 parr; Luke 13:10-17; 14:1-6; Matt 12:11-12)." (To be published in a book on Controversy Stories in the gospels, ed. G. Sterling, Hendrickson publishers.)
"The Italians and the Millennium", La Rondine 3 (1999) 1-2.
Martin Hengel, Crucifixion in the Ancient World and the Folly of the Message of the Cross. CBQ 40 (1978) 435-6.
Max-Alain Chevallier, Souffle de Dieu. CBQ 41 (1979) 642-3.
Peter Kuhn, Gottes Trauer und Klage in der rabbinischen Überlieferung (Talmud und Midrach). CBQ 42 (1980) 410-411.
Michael Stone, Scriptures, Sects and Visions: A Profile of Judaism from Ezra to the Jewish Revolts. CBQ 43 (1981) 316-7.
Mauro Pesce, Dio senza mediatori: Una tradizione teologica dal giudaismo al cristianesimo. JBL 100 (1981) 645-6.
Ernst Käsemann, Commentary on Romans. The Thomist 45 (1981) 642-647.
Pierre Benoit, Jesus and the Gospel, Vol. 1. Cross and Crown 26 (1974) 93-4.
David L. Tiede, Prophecy and History in Luke-Acts. Spirituality Today (1982) 82-3.
Jacob Neusner, Method and Meaning in Ancient Judaism. CBQ 44 (1982) 339-40.
Joseph Gutmann, ed., Ancient Synagogues: The State of Research. CBQ 44 (1982) 529-30.
William Scott Green, The Traditions of Joshua Ben Hananiah, Part I, The Early Legal Traditions. CBQ 45 (1983) 485-7.
Jane Schaberg, The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit: the Triadic Phrase in Matthew 28:19b. CBQ 46 (1984) 177-9.
Volker Schönle, Johannes, Jesus und die Juden: Die theologische Position des Matthäus und des Verfassers der Redenquelle im Lichte von Mt. 11. CBQ 46 (1984) 589-590.
Hans-Georg Link, Schritte zur sichtbaren Einheit, Lima 1982. JES 21 (1984).
Karol Wotyla (John Paul II), Faith according to St. John of the Cross. Spirituality Today (1984).
Raymond E. Brown, The Churches the Apostles Left Behind. RB 92 (1985) 310-2.
G.R. Evans, The Language and Logic of the Bible. RB 92 (1985) 315.
G.A. Kennedy, NT Interpretation through Rhetorical Criticism. RB 92 (1985) 455-6.
R.J. Clifford, Fair Spoken and Persuading: An Interpretation of Second Isaiah. RB 92 (1985) 623.
Odo Camponovo, Königtum, Königsherrschaft und Reich Gottes in den frühjüdischen Schriften. RB 92 (1985) 630-1.
Hubert Frankemölle, Jahwe-Bund und Kirche Christi. RB 92 (1985) 631-2.
Rene Kieffer, Lars Rydbeck, Existence païenne au début du christianisme. RB 92 (1985) 632-3.
Karl Staab, Paulus Kommentare aus der griechischen Kirche. RB 92 (1985) 633.
Martin Hengel, Rabbinische Legende und frühpharisäische Geschichte. CBQ 48 (1986) 462-3 = Fitzmyer Festschrift.
Walther Schmithals, Einleitung in die drei ersten Evangelien. RB 93 (1986) 471-2.
H.D. Betz, Essays on the Sermon on the Mount. RB 94 (1987) 147-8.
Gerhard Lohfink, Wie hat Jesus Gemeinde gewollt? RB 94 (1987) 152-3.
Jan Lambrecht, Ich aber sage euch. Die Bergpredigt als progammatische Rede Jesu. RB 93 (1986) 156-7.
Norman A. Beck, Mature Christianity. JES 24 (1987) 315-6.
Philip Sigal, The Halakah of Jesus of Nazareth according to the Gospel of Matthew. CBQ 49 (1987) 518-9.
R.C. Fuller, Alexander Geddes, Pioneer of Biblical Criticism. RB 94 (1987) 287-8.
R.M. Grant with David Tracy, A Short History of the Interpretation of the Bible. RB 94 (1987) 286-7.
J.A. Fitzmyer, The Gospel according to Luke. RB 94 (1987) 303-4.
K.H. Neufeld, Adolf von Harnack: Theologie als Suche nach der Kirche, "Tertium genus ecclesiae". Idem, Adolf Harnacks Konflikt mit der Kirche. RB 94 (1987) 473-475.
Gabriel Daly, Transcendence and Immanence. RB 94 (1987) 475-6.
Xavier Leon-Dufour, Life and Death in the NT. Spirituality Today (1988) 177-8.
T.J. Keegan, Interpreting the Bible: A Popular Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics. RB 95 (1988) 126-7.
Ernst Käsemann, The Wandering People of God: An Investigation of the Letter to the Hebrews. RB 95 (1988) 630.
M.D. Hooker, Continuity and discontinuity: Early Christianity in its Jewish Setting. RB 95 (1988) 631.
John Reumann et al., "Righteousness" in the NT: "Justification" in U.S. Lutheran-Roman Catholic Dialogue. RB 95 (1988) 631-3.
P.F. Landes, Augustine on Romans. RB 95 (1988) 633-4.
Menahem Stern, Greek and Latin Authors on Jews and Judaism. RB 95 (1988) 308.
L.E. Mitchell, The Vision of the New Community. Theological Studies 50 (1989) 622.
Rainer Riesner, Jesus als Lehrer. RB 96 (1989) 307-308.
Corrado Marucci, Parole di Gesù sul Divorzio. RB 96 (1989) 304-305.
Terence Donaldson, Jesus on the Mountain. RB 96 (1989) 461.
Vincent Mora, Le Refus d'Israel, Matthieu 27, 25. RB 97 (1989) 147-148.
Meir Sternberg, The Poetics of Biblical Narrative: Ideological Literature and the Drama of Reading. Proche Orient Chrétien 37 (1987) 219-220.
B. Montagnes, Le Père Lagrange (1855-1938), Mémoire Dominicaine 8 (1996) 203-205; RB 103 (1996) 304-306.
T. Kratzert, Wir sind wie die Juden: Der griechisch-orthodoxe Beitrag zu einem ökumenischen jüdisch-christlichen Dalog, Journal of Ecumenical Studies 34 (1997), 606.
Y.-E. Yang, Jesus and the Sabbath in Matthew's Gospel (JSNTSup 139; Sheffield, 1997) CBQ, 61 (1999) 175-178,
M. Henry, Franz Overbeck: Theologian?, Revue Biblique 104 (1997) 464-465.
Aidan Nichols, Dominican Gallery, The Thomist 63 (1999) 507-509
A.D.A. Moses, Matthew's Transfiguration Story, RB 105 (1998) 618-620.
U. Luz, The Theology of the Gospel of Matthew, RB 105 (1998) 620-623.
C. Westermann, The Gospel of John in the light of the Old Testament, RB (forthcoming).
A.-J. Levine, The Social and Ethnic Dimensions of Matthean Salvation History: "Go nowhere among the Gentiles" (Matt. 10:5b). CBQ 52 (1990) 754-755.
H.-J. Becker, Auf der Kathedra des Mose: Rabbinisch-theologisches Denken und antirabbinische Polemik in Matthäus 23,1-12. CBQ 54 (1992) 141-143; RB 98 (1991) 624.
A.-J. Saldarini, Matthew's Christian-Jewish Community. CBQ 57 (1995) 607-609.
Massimo Grilli, Communità e missione: Le direttive di Matteo: Indagine esegetica su Mt 9,35-11,1. CBQ 56 (1994) 374-375; RB 101 (1994) 617-8.
Sabine Bieberstein, Verschwiegene Jüngerinnen vergessene Zeuginnen: Gebrochene Konzepte im Lukasevangelium (RB forthcoming).
D.R. Bauer, The Structure of Matthew's Gospel. RB 97 (1990) 616-7.
S.H. Brooks, Matthew's Community. RB 97 (1990) 615-6.
C. Deutsch, Hidden Wisdom and the Easy Yoke: Wisdom, Torah and Discipleship in Matthew. RB 97 (1990) 613-4.
Y. Kaufmann, Christianity and Judaism: Two Covenants. RB 97 (1990) 141.
F. Kunkel, Creation Continues. RB 97 (1990) 615.
T.E. Schmidt, Hostility to Wealth in the Synoptic Gospels. RB 97 (1990) 610-1.
F. Vouga, Jésus et la loi selon la tradition synoptique. RB 97 (1990) 612-3.
G.R. Evans, The Language and Logic of the Bible: The Road to Reformation. RB 98 (1991) 151-2.
T. Krapf, Yehezkel Kaufmann: Ein Lebens- und Erkenntnisweg zur Theologie der hebräischen Bibel. RB 98 (1991) 465-6.
J. Schreiber, Der Kreuzigungsbericht des Markusevangeliums: Mk 15,20b-41. RB 98 (1991) 627-9.
S.T. Lachs, A Rabbinic Commentary on the New Testament. RB 99 (1992) 622.
S. Legasse, "Et qui est mon prochain?" Etude sur l'objet de l'agapè dans le Nouveau Testament. RB 99 (1992) 606-607.
J. Neusner, Formative Judaism. RB 99 (1992) 622-623.
J.-A. Overman, Matthew's Gospel and Formative Judaism. RB 99 (1992) 607-609.
E.E. Urbach, The Halakhah: Its Sources and Development. RB 99 (1992) 623.
T. Fornberg, Jewish Christian Dialogue and Biblical Exegesis. RB 100 (1993) 633-634.
J. Schlosser, Le Dieu de Jésus. RB 100 (1993) 632-633.
T.W. Buckley, Seventy Times Seven: Sin, Judgment and Forgiveness in Matthew. RB 101 (1994) 454-5.
H. Conzelmann, Gentiles-Jews-Christians: Polemics and Apologetics in the Greco-Roman Era. RB 101 (1994) 467-8.
J. Dillon & J. Hershbell, Iamblichus: On the Pythagorean Way of Life. RB 101 (1994) 470.
J.H. Giltner, Moses Stuart: The Father of Biblical Science in America. RB 101 (1994) 470.
S.W. Gray, The Least of My Brothers: Matthew 25: 31-46. RB 101 (1994) 452-4.
D.J. Harrington, The Gospel of Matthew. RB 101 (1994) 457.
R.F. Hoch & E.N. O'Neil, The Chreia in Ancient Rhetoric. Volume I. The Progymnasmata. RB 101 (1994) 469.
G.C. Jenks, The Origins and Early Development of the Antichrist Myth. RB 101 (1994) 461-2.
J. Lambrecht, Out of the Treasure: The Parables in the Gospel of Matthew. RB 101 (1994) 616-7.
J.L. Magness, Sense and Absence: Structure and Suspension in the Ending of Mark's Gospel. RB 101 (1994) 457-8.
B.J. Malina & J.H. Neyrey, Calling Jesus Names: The Social Value of Labels in Matthew. RB 101 (1994) 455.
J.W. Rogerson, W.M.L. de Wette, Founder of Modern Biblical Criticism. RB 101 (1994) 308-9.
A. Strotmann, "Mein Vater bist du!" (Sir 51:10): Zur Bedeutung der Vaterschaft Gottes in kanonischen und nichtkanonischen frühjüdischen Schriften. RB 101 (1994) 304.
C. Tassin, L'évangile de Matthieu, commentaire pastoral. RB 101 (1994) 457.
X. Tilliette, Le Christ de la Philosophie. RB 101 (1994) 462-3.
E.M. Wainwright, Toward a Feminist Critical Reading of the Gospel according to Matthew. RB 101 (1994) 455-6.
S. Byrskog, Jesus the Only Teacher. didactic Authority and Transmission in Ancient Israel, Ancient Judaism and the Matthean Community. RB 102 (1995) 618-9.
E.E. Urbach, Class-Status and Leadership in the World of the Palestinian Sages. RB 80 (1973) 138-9.
M.R. James, The Biblical Antiquities of Philo. RB 80 (1973) 139-140.
R.T. Herford, Talmud and Apocrypha. RB 80 (1973) 140.
R.A. Horsley, Jesus and the Spiral of Violence. RB 103 (1996) 134-5.
Erik Peterson, The Angels and the Liturgy. Cross and Crown 16 (Dec. 1964).
M.D. Chenu, Nature, Man and Society in the Twelfth Century: Essays on New Theological Perspectives in the Latin West. Cross and Crown 20 (1968) 484-485.
Markus Barth, Ephesians. Anchor Bible 34 & 34a. Cross and Crown 27 (1975) 318-9.
James Carroll, The Winter Name of God. Cross and Crown 28 (1976 422-423.
Sonya Quitslund, Beauduin: A Prophet Vindicated. Cross and Crown 28 (1976) 194-195.
Hermann Gunkel, The Influence of the Holy Spirit: The Popular View of the Apostolic Age and the Teaching of the Apostle Paul. Spirituality Today 33 (1981) 277-278.
Jakob J. Petuchowski and Michael Brocke, The Lord's Prayer and Jewish Liturgy. Spirituality Today 33 (1981) 177-178.
Enrique Dussel, A History of the Church in Latin America. Spirituality Today 35 (1983) 274-275.
Thomas F. O'Meara, A Theology of Ministry. Spirituality Today 36 (1984) 75-76.
John C. Meagher, The Way of the Word. The Thomist 40 (1977) 603-604.