New French student Byzantine association created

L’Association des étudiants du monde byzantin (The Association of Students of the Byzantine World) aims to unite Byzantinist students in an associative structure. It facilitates exchanges between students in all disciplines involved in this field. It creates a bridge between undergraduate students or master and doctoral students and young doctors. It allows students to learn about the various ongoing work in the Byzantine field, as well as French and foreign teachers who are likely to welcome them to continue their studies. Finally, it helps students of other periods to gain familiarity with Byzantine studies and their diversity.

AEMB is developing exchanges between students by organization:

- Annual meetings of international doctoral studies in Byzantine studies

- Cultural outings in connection with the Byzantine period

- Methodological seminars

The association is visible through its website, its Facebook group and Twitter account (both under construction).

AEMB has as projects:

- A study tour in the Byzantine world for its members

- The development of regional centres

- The creation of a directory of doctoral students in Byzantine studies

The Association of Students of the Byzantine World is an association according to law 1901 (secular, apolitical and non-profit).

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