Шеппард Б.
Профессиональные интересы: Библиотечное дело
Конфессии: Методизм

Краткая биографическая справка:

Доцент Дюкского университета. Руководитель библиотеки Дюкской богословской школы.

Получила бакалавскую степень в Albright College, магистерские степени - в Princeton Theological Seminary и Iliff School of Theology.

Защитила докторскую диссертацию в университете Шеффилда.

Работает в Дюкском университете с 2012 г. До заведовала библиотеками в Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary и Southwestern College.

Библиография работ автора:


Избранная библиография

“A Labor Portrait: Productivity and Work Ethic in the Era of the Fourth Gospel.” Sapientia Logos. 4.1 & 2 (2011-2012 combined issues): 41-81.
“Security and Sensibility: RFID in a Theological Library.” Co-authored with Jaeyeon Lucy Chung and Portia Kapraun. ATLA Summary of Proceedings. 65 (20011): 241-255.
“The Graceful Exit: Keys for a Positive Relationship between an ‘Emeritus Librarian’ and His or Her Successor.” Catholic Library World. 81.4 (June, 2011): 282-284.
“Historiography for Study of the New Testament: An Overview of Methods from the Twentieth to the Twenty-first Centuries.” ATLA Summary of Proceedings. 64 (2010): 108-124.
“Writing for Library Websites.” Pages 143-144 in Carol Smallwood, ed. Writing and Publishing: The Librarian’s Handbook. Chicago: American Library Association, 2010.

“Crafting a Compelling Bibliographic Essay.” Pages 107-108 in Carol Smallwood, ed. Writing and Publishing: The Librarian’s Handbook. Chicago: American Library Association, 2010.
“A Forum on Electronic Journals: Change, Challenge Opportunity—Part Two: E-Journals and the Seminary Library Context; A Response to Jeffrey Garrett’s ‘Wood, Flour, Journal: How the Electronic Turn Has Affected the Way Journals are Found, Used and Read.” Theological Librarianship 2.2 (December, 2009): 43-46.
“Ruth” and “Baruch/Letter of Jeremiah.” Translator (Greek to English) for the Lexham Greek-English Interlinear LXX software program, ed. Libronix Corp, David A. deSilva and Randall Tan. Bellingham, WA: Bible Logos Inc., 2009.
“Supporting the Modern Mystic: Collecting for the ‘New’ Spirituality.” ATLA Summary of Proceedings. 63 ( 2009): 208-222.
“The Art of the Bibliographic Essay.” Theological Librarianship 1.1 (June, 2008): 46-48.
“Another Look: Johannine ‘Subordinationist Christology’ and the Roman Family.” Pages 101-119 in Thomas Thatcher and Fransico Lozada, eds. New Currents Through John. Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 2006.
“Future Shock: The Inevitable Impact of a “New Generation of Patron” on Theological Libraries.” ATLA Summary of Proceedings. 60 (2006): 129-144.
“The Rise of Rome: The Emergence of a New Mode for Exploring the Context of the Fourth Gospel.” ATLA Summary of Proceedings. 57 (2003): 175-187.

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