Дикк А.
Профессиональные интересы: Нравственное богословие, Философия, Психология, Культурология, Антропология
Конфессии: Христианство

Краткая биографическая справка:

Профессор Гарвардского университета. Специалист в области христианской этики.

Обучался в Tabor College (бакалавр социологии), Университете Канзаса (магистр психологии и философии), Гарвардском университете (докторская степень по религиозной этике). Тема докторской диссертации (PhD): A Gestalt Analysis of the Moral Data and Certain of Its Implications for Ethical Theory.

В 1957-1960 гг. преподавал в психологию в Университете Канзаса. В 1964-1965 гг. являлся лектором по философии в Университете Саскачевана (Канада).

С 1965 г. преподает в Гарвардской богословской школе.

Руководит Межфакультетской программой по медицинской этике.

Академические интересы: христианская этика, медицинская этика.

Библиография работ автора:



Rethinking Rights and Responsibilities: The Moral Bonds of Community, Revised Edition, Georgetown University Press, 2005.,
Life’s Worth: The Case Against Assisted Suicide, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, 2002
When Killing is Wrong: Physician-Assisted Suicide and the Courts, Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 2001.
Rethinking Rights and Responsibilities: The Moral Bonds of Community, Pilgrim Press, Cleveland, Ohio, 1994.
On Human Care: An Introduction to Ethics, Abingdon Press, Nashville, 1977.
Co-editor with Stanley Joel Reiser and William J. Curran, Ethics in Medicine, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1977.


A.J. Dyck, Curriculum Vitae Page 3
“Taking Responsibility for Our Common Morality,” Harvard Theological Review 98:4, October 2005, 391 – 417.
“Commentary on Christian Ethics and Religious Ethics as reflected in Stanley Hauerwas, Journal of Religious Ethics 31:3 (Winter 2003) and JRE 25th Anniversary Supplement, Journal of Religious Ethics 25:3”, Journal of Religious Ethics 33:2, June 2005, 375-393.
“Living Like a Mennonite,” The Mennonite Quarterly Review, Vol. LXXVII, April 2003
“Impartiality and Diversity: Creating a Relationship,” The Convocation Address 2001, Harvard Divinity Bulletin, 30:2, Winter 2001-02.
Review of John Witte, Jr. and Johan D. van der Vyver, eds., Religious Human Rights in Global Perspective, vol. 1: Religious Perspectives, and vol. 2: Legal Perspectives. The Journal of Religion 79:2 (April 1999), 330-32.
“Rethinking Rights, Preserving Community: How My Mind Has Changed,” Journal of Religious Ethics 25:1, Spring 1997, 3-14.
“Rationing Health Care: A Case of Justice Denied,” in John F. Kilner et al (eds.), The Changing Face of Health Care, Eerdmans, 1998, 74-88.
“Eugenics in Historical and Ethical Perspective,” in John F. Kilner et al (eds.), Ethics and Genetics: Do the Ends Justify the Genes?, Eerdmans, 1997, 25-39.
Review of Clinton E. Gardner’s Justice and Christian Ethics, in Journal of Religion, 77:4, October 1997, 648-49.
“North American Law and Public Policy,” in John F. Kilner et al (eds.), Dignity and Dying, Eerdmans, 1996, 154-64.
“Social Justice is the Only Ethical Population Policy,” Linacre Quarterly, 63:2, May 1996, 4-13.
“Beyond Theological Conflict in the Courts: The Issue of Assisted Suicide.” Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics and Public Policy 9:2, 1995, 503-35.
“Population and Environmental Concerns Confronting the Family,” in Russell E. Smith, ed., Faith and Challenges to the Family, The Pope John Center, Braintree, Mass., 1994, 146-62.
“Eugenics.” Collier’s Encyclopedia.
“Contemporary Attitudes Toward Death and Dying,” in Russell E. Smith, ed., Communicating the Catholic Vision of Life; The Pope John Center, Braintree, Mass., 1993.
“Being a Physician and Being Ethical.” The Linacre Quarterly 59:3, August 1992, 82-90.
Co-author with William Reichel and N. K. O’Connnor, “Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide: How Should Physicians Respond?” American Family Physician 46:3, September 1992, 689-91.
Review of John Kilner’s, “Who Lives? Who Dies?: Ethical Criteria in Patient Selection.” Asbury Theological Journal.
“Physician-Assisted Suicide: Is It Ethical?” Trends in Health Care, Law, and Ethics 7:2, Winter 1992, 19-22.
Primary author with James Scott DeLaney, “National Health Insurance: An Ethical Assessment,” in James M. Humber and Robert F. Almeder, eds., Biomedical Ethics Reviews: 1990, Humana Press, Clifton, N.J., 1991, 87-129.
“The Image of God: An Ethical Foundation for Medicine,” The Linacre Quarterly 57:1, February 1990, 35-41.
Co-author with William Reichel, “Euthanasia: A Contemporary Moral Quandary,” The Lancet 8675, December 2, 1989, 1321-23.
“Loving Impartiality in Moral Cognition,” The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics, Georgetown University Press, Washington, D.C., 1989, 55-72.
Review of Trutz Rendtorff’s, Ethics, in The Virginia Seminary Journal.
Review of Bernard Gert’s, Morality, and Russell Hardin’s, Morality Within the Limits of Reason, in The Journal of Religion.
“A Commentary on the Brophy Case,” in BioLaw, 1988.
“Maturity, Spirituality, and Ethical Decisions,” in Charles Kao, ed., Maturity and the Quest for Spiritual Meaning, University Press of America, Lanham, Md., 1988, 133-50.
“Self-Determination and Moral Responsibility,” Western New England Law Review 9:1, 1987, 53-65.
“Questioning Good Parents,” PA 87, April 1987, 115-16.
Review of Stanley Hauerwas, Against the Nations: War and Survival in a Liberal Society, in Journal of Social Philosophy 17:2, Summer 1986, 71-72.
“A Time to Die,” PA 86, October 1986.
“A Chance to Live: A Commentary,” McCall’s, October 1986.
“Grounding Human Rights,” The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics, Georgetown University Press, Washington, D.C., 1986, 65-92.
“Population Policy and Procreation” (with Valerie DeMarinis), in James Childress, ed., Dictionary of Christian Ethics, 1986, 485-87 & 499-502.
“Human Rights, Medical Intervention and the Global Mission of the Church,” in Arthur J. Dyck, ed., Human Rights and the Global Mission of the Church, Boston Theological Institute, 1985, 64-69.
“Knowledge: Is It Ever Forbidden Fruit?”, The Linacre Quarterly 52:3, August 1985, 271-79.
“The President’s Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine: Its View of the Right to Life,”The Linacre Quarterly 52:2, May 1985, 110-15.
Review of Christian Ethics in a Secular Arena, by Josef Fuchs, S.J., in America, April 6, 1985, 289-91.
“Ethical Aspects of Care for the Dying Incompetent,” Journal of the American Geriatric Society 32:9, September 1984, 661-64.
Review of Michael Hamilton, ed., The New Genetics and the Future of Man in The Virginia Seminary Journal, December 1983, 37.
“Ethical Reflections on Infanticide,” in Dennis J. Horan, Patrick A. Trueman, and Melinda Delahoyde, eds., Infanticide and the Handicapped Newborn, Brigham Young University Press, Provo, 1982, 105-20.
“Ethics,” in John A. Ross, ed., International Encyclopedia of Population 1, Free Press, New York, 1982, 183-88.
“Doing Well by Doing Good?” Wheaton Alumni 49:2 (March/April 1982), 3-5.
“The Moral Bonds of the Family,” The Linacre Quarterly 48:1, February 1981, 14-22.
“Moral Requiredness: Bridging the Gap Between ‘Ought’ and ‘Is’: Part II,” The Journal of Religious Ethics 9:1 (Spring 1981), 131-50.
“An Ethic of the Healing Art,” in David E. Allen, Lewis P. Bird and Robert Herrmann, eds., Whole-Person Medicine: An International Symposium, Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1980, 43-56. A slightly different version appears in Harvard Divinity Bulletin 10:3, Spring 1980, 6-8.
“Triage and Charity in Population Policy,” National Forum 60:2 (Spring 1980), 36-38, 42.
“Ethical Bases of the Military Profession,” Parameters (Journal of the U.S. Army War College) 10:1 (March 1980), 39-46.
Review of John C. Hoffman’s, Ethical Confrontation in Counseling, and Joseph Fletcher’s, Humanhood: Essays in Biomedical Ethics, in Religion in Life 68:4 (Winter 1979), 514-16.
"Teaching Compassion: Professional Education for Humane Care," in J. W. Davis, et al., eds., Contemporary Issues in Biomedical Ethics, Humana Press, Clifton, N.J., 1978, Chapter 22, 257-66.
“Moral Requiredness: Bridging the Gap Between ‘Ought’ and ‘Is’: Part I,” The Journal of Religious Ethics 6:2 (Fall 1978), 293-318.
“Definition of Population Ethics,” in Warren T. Reich, et al., eds., Encyclopedia of Bioethics 3, Free Press, New York, 1978, 1216-18.
“Mental Retardation as a Label: A Problem in Justice,” The Linacre Quarterly 45:2 (May 1978), 111-14.
“Living Wills and Mercy Killing: An Ethical Assessment,” in Bertram and Elsie Bandman, eds., Bioethics and Human Rights: A Reader for Health Professionals, Little, Brown and Company, Boston, 1978, 132-38.
“Religious Views and U.S. Population Policy,” in Robert M. Veatch, ed., Population Policy and Ethics: The American Experience, Irvington Press, New York, 1977, 277-323.
“Alternative Views of Moral Priorities in Population Policy,” Bioscience 27:4 (April 1977), 272-76.
Reprinted: George W. Forell and William H. Lazareth, eds., Population Perils, Fortress Press, Philadelphia, 1979, 32-47.
“An Ethical Analysis of Population Policy Alternatives, The Monist 60:1 (January 1977), 29-46. Reprinted as “Assessing the Population Debate” in Stanley Joel Reiser, Arthur J. Dyck, and William J. Curran, eds., Ethics in Medicine, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1977, 348-55.
“The Kennedy Medical Ethics Program at Harvard,” The New England Journal of Medicine 295:20 (November 1976), 1132-34.
“The Value of Life: Two Contending Policies,” Harvard Magazine 78:5 (January 1976), 30-35.
“The Good Samaritan Ideal and Beneficent Euthanasia: Conflicting Views of Mercy,” The Linacre Quarterly 42:3 (August 1975), 176-88.
Review of Jack Parsons’ Population Versus Liberty, in Ethics in Science and Medicine 2 (1975), 69-70.
“Beneficent Euthanasia and Benemortasia: Alternative Views of Mercy,” in Marvin Kohl, ed., Beneficent Euthanasia, Prometheus Books, Buffalo, N.Y., 1975, 117-29. Reprinted: Dennis J. Horan and David Mall, eds., Death, Dying and Euthanasia, University Publications of America, Washington, D.C., 1977,
348-61; much abbreviated version titled “Beneficent Euthanasia and Benemortasia” in Robert Hunt and John Arras, eds., Ethical Issues in Modern Medicine, Mayfield Publishing Company, Palo Alto, 1977, 240-46.
Review of Daniel Callahan’s The Tyranny of Survival, in Religion in Life 64:1 (Spring 1975), 124-25.
“American Global Population Policy: An Ethical Analysis,” The Linacre Quarterly 42:1 (February 1975), 54-63.
“The Need for an Ethical Response to the Report of the Commission on Population Growth and the American Future,” in Elihu Bergman et al., eds., Population Policymaking in the American States, D.C. Heath and Company, Lexington, Mass., 1974, 301-16.
“Ethical Priorities in Population Policy,” The Christian Home 6:9 (May 1974), 6-10.
“Editorial,” Journal of Religious Ethics 2:1 (Spring 1974), 3-9.
“An Alternative to Legalized Euthanasia,” Colloquy 7:3 (March 1974), 15-17.
“Ethical Reflections on the Population Commission Report,” Journal of Social Philosophy 5:1 (January 1974), 1-5.
“A Unified Theory of Virtue and Obligation,” The Journal of Religious Ethics 1 (Fall 1973), 37-52.
“Population, Abortion, and Human Welfare,” Perkins Journal 27:1 (Fall 1973), 41-49.
“Ethics and Medicine,” The Linacre Quarterly 40:3 (August 1973), 182-200. Reprinted: Stanley Joel Reiser,

Arthur J. Dyck, and William J. Curran, eds., Ethics in Medicine, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1977, 114-22.
“‘Benemortasia’ Ethic of Happy Death Differs from Euthanasia,” Ob. Gyn. News (August 1973), 32.
“An Alternative to the Ethic of Euthanasia,” in R. H. Williams, ed., To Live and To Die: When, Why and How?, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1973, 98-112. Reprinted: Joel Feinberg and Henry West, eds., Moral Philosophy, Dickinson Publishing Company, Encino, 1977, 212-21; Stanley Joel Reiser, Arthur J. Dyck, and William J. Curran, eds., Ethics in Medicine, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1977, 529-35. An abridged version titled “Thou Shalt Not Kill” appeared in Catholic Digest (April 1975), 81-84.
“Population Problems as Moral Religious Issues,” in Philip Wogaman, ed., The Population Crisis and Moral Responsibility, Public Affairs Press, Washington, D.C., 1973, 330-40.
“Is Abortion Necessary to Solve Population Problems?” in T. W. Hilgers and D. J. Horan, eds., Abortion and Social Justice, Sheed and Ward, New York, 1973, 159-76.
“Procreative Rights and Population Policy,” Hastings Center Studies 1:1 (1973), 74-82.
“Ethical Assumptions and Implications of the Population Commission’s Report,” Social Science Quarterly 53:3 (December 1972), 459-64.
“Questions of Ethics,” Harvard Theological Review 65:4 (October 1972), 453-81.
Review of Euthanasia and the Right to Death: The Case for Voluntary Euthanasia, ed., A. B. Downing, in Social Biology, June 1972.
“Perplexities for the Would-Be Liberal in Abortion,” Journal of Reproductive Medicine (June 1972), 351-54.
Reprinted: New England Sierran (March-April 1972).
Editorial on Abortion, Boston Globe (October 29, 1972), co-author, George H. Williams. Reprinted: Pilot (November 6, 1971); Catholic Digest (March 1972).
“Population Policies and Ethical Acceptability,” in Roger Revelle, et al., eds., Rapid Population Growth: Consequences and Policy Implications, Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1971, 618-38. Reprinted: Daniel Callahan, ed., The American Population Debate, Doubleday-Anchor, New York, 1971, 351-77;
Howard M. Bahr, et al. eds., Population, Resources, and the Future: Non-Malthusian Perspectives, Brigham Young University Press, Provo, 1972, 301-26.
“Ethical Aspects of Population Policy,” in Robert Buckout, et al., eds., Toward Social Change: A Handbook for Those Who Will, Harper and Row, New York, 1971, 407-15.
“Ethical Issues in Community and Research Medicine,” New England Journal of Medicine (April 1971), 725-26. Reprinted: The Linacre Quarterly 38:4 (November 1971), 220-22.
“A Comment on Philosophical Reflections on Experimenting with Human Subjects,” in Paul A. Freund, ed., Experimenting with Human Subjects, George Braziller, Inc., New York, 1970, 32-38.
“A Comment on the Distinction Between Normative Theology and Meta-Theology,” Harvard Theological Review 63:3 (July 1970), 453-56.
“Changing and Enduring Elements in Ethics,” Alice 1:4 (March 1970), 12.
“Thinking Theologically: Family Size,” Colloquy 1:10 (November 1968), 22-24. Co-author: Herbert W. Richardson.
“Referent Models of Loving: A Philosophical and Theological Analysis of Love in Ethical Theory and Moral Practice,” Harvard Theological Review 61:4 (October 1968), 525-45.
“Questions for the Global Conscience,” Psychology Today 2:4 (September 1968), 38-42. Reprinted: Readings in Psychology Today, Del Mar, CRM, Inc., 1969; Readings in Social Psychology (1970).
“Religious Factors in the Population Problem,” in Donald R. Cutler, ed., The Religious Situation: 1968, Beacon Press, Boston, 1968, 163-95. Reprinted: Updating Life and Death, Beacon Press, Boston, 1970.
“Why Contraceptive Programs are Unsuccessful,” Harvard Divinity Bulletin 1:2 (Winter 1968), 6-8.
“Technological Parochialism and the Population Problem,” Christianity and Crisis 27:21 (December 1967), 289-92.
“The Moral Justification for Research Using Human Subjects,” Use of Human Subjects in Safety Evaluation of Food Chemicals: Proceedings of a Conference, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 1967, 229-47. Co-author: Herbert W. Richardson. Reprinted: James M.
Humber and Robert F. Almeder, eds., Biomedical Ethics and the Law, Plenum Press, New York, 1976, 243-59.
“The Social Contacts of Some Midwest Children with their Parents and Teachers” in R. G. Barker, ed., The Stream of Behavior, Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York, 1963, 78-98.

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