Левенсон Й.
Профессиональные интересы: Исагогика, Семитские языки, Ветхий Завет, Библеистика, Текстология, Экзегетика и герменевтика, Лингвистика (языкознание)
Конфессии: Иудаизм

Краткая биографическая справка:

Профессор иудаики Гарвардского университета.

Обучался в Harvard College (бакалавриат), Гарвардском университете (магистратура и докторантура).

В 1975-1982 гг. - доцент библейских исследований в Wellesley College.

В 1982-1988 гг. - доцент Университета Чикаго.

С 1988 г. преподает в Гарвардской богословской школе.

Области специализации: богословские традиции древнего Израиля, литературная итерпретация еврейской Библии, Мидраши, современного иудейское богословие, иудейско-христианский диалог.



Библиография работ автора:

Resurrection: The Power of God for Christians and Jews (with Kevin J. Madigan). New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008). xviii + 284. Paperback edition, 2009.
Resurrection and the Restoration of Israel: The Ultimate Victory of the God of Life. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006. xxii + 274.
Esther. Old Testament Library. Louisville: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1997. xvi + 142 pp.
The Death and Resurrection of the Beloved Son: The Transformation of Child Sacrifice in Judaism and Christianity. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1993. Paperback, 1995. xiv + 257 pp.
The Old Testament, the Hebrew Bible, and Historical Criticism: Jews and Christians in Biblical Studies. Louisville: Westminster/John Knox, 1993. Collection of six revised essays. 192 pp.
Harper’s Bible Commentary. Associate Editor responsible for Genesis-Esther (according to the Protestant ordering). San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1988.
Creation and the Persistence of Evil: The Jewish Drama of Divine Omnipotence. San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1988. xvi + 182 pp. 2nd edition, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994.
Sinai and Zion: An Entry into the Jewish Bible. Minneapolis: Winston Seabury, 1985. Paperback, San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1987. xi + 227 pp.
Traditions in Transformation: Turning Points in Biblical Faith. Edited with Baruch Halpern. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1981. xiv + 446 pp.
Theology of the Program of Restoration of Ezekiel 40-48. Harvard Semitic Monograph Series 10. Missoula: Scholars Press, 1976. x + 176 pp.
The Book of Job in its Time and in the Twentieth Century. LeBaron Russell Briggs Prize Essay in English. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1972. 80 pp.
A review essay that covers many of these books has been published by Marvin A. Sweeney, “Why Jews Are Interested in Biblical Theology: A Retrospective on the Work of Jon D. Levenson,” Jewish Book Annual 55-56 (1997-99/5758-59): 135-68.

“Monotheism and Chosenness: The Abrahamic Foundation of Judaism and Roman Catholicism—The Joseph Cardinal Bernardin Jerusalem Lecture, March 26, 2009,” a booklet issued by the American Jewish Committee (Chicago office), the Archdiocese of Chicago, and the Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago, 2010. 27 pp.
“The Idea of Abrahamic Religions: A Qualified Dissent,” Jewish Review of Books 1:1 (Spring, 2010): 40-42, 44.
“Chosenness and its Enemies,” Commentary 126:5 (December 2008): 25-31, with a reply to correspondents in Commentary 127:3 (March 2009): 7-8; reprinted in The Best Spiritual Writing 2010 (ed. Philip Zaleski; New York: Penguin, 2010), pp. 132-48.
“The Logic of Lament,” The Jerusalem Report 19:9 (August 18, 2008): 44
“Sacrifice as a Basis of Worship: An Overlooked Commonality of Judaism and Roman Catholicism,” forthcoming in Explorations in Jewish-Catholic Dialogue (ed. Elena Procario-Foley), 7,009 words.
“Teaching the Texts in Contexts,” Harvard Divinity Bulletin 35:4 (Autumn 2007): 19-21.
“Response: The Theology of Pain and Suffering in the Jewish Tradition,” in Pain and its Transformations: The Interface of Biology and Culture (ed. Sarah Coakley and Kay Kaufman Shelemay; Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2007), pp.126-32.
“Reasons for Redemption,” The Jerusalem Report 17:26 (April 16, 2007/ 28 Nisan, 5767): 43.
“Can Roman Catholicism Validate Jewish Biblical Interpretation?” Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations 1:1/19 (2005-6): 170-85. URL: http://escholarship.bc.edu/scjr/vol1/iss1/19
“The Birthday of the New Adam,” The Jerusalem Report 17:12 (October 3, 2006/11 Tishrei, 5767): 39.
“Judaism Addresses Christianity,” in Religious Foundations of Western Civilization: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (ed. Jacob Neusner; Nashville: Abingdon, 2006), pp.581-608. Revised and expanded version of the item below.
“The Agenda of Dabru Emet,” Review of Rabbinic Judaism VII (2004): 1-26.
“Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God?” The Christian Century. 121:8 (April 20, 2004): 32-33.
Introduction to and annotations of “Genesis” in the Oxford Jewish Study Bible (ed. Adele Berlin and Marc Z. Brettler; New York: Oxford University Press, 2004): 8-101.
“The Conversion of Abraham to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam,” in The Idea of Biblical Interpretation: Essays in Honor of James L. Kugel (ed. Hindy Najman and Judith H. Newman; Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2004): 3-40.
“Did God Forgive Adam? An Exercise in Comparative Midrash,” in Jews and Christians: People of God (ed. Carl E. Braaten and Robert Jenson; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2003): 148-70.
“The Fact of Death and the Promise of Life in Israelite Religion,” in The Papers of the Henry
Luce III Fellows in Theology, Vol. VI (ed. Christopher I. Wilkins: Pittsburgh: Association of Theological Schools, 2003): 139-54.
“Resurrection in the Torah? A Reconsideration,” CTI (Center of Theological Inquiry) Reflections 6 (2002): 2-29.
“Response: Natural and Supernatural Justice,” in Judaism and Ecology: Created World and Revealed Word (ed. Hava Tirosh-Samuelson; Cambridge, Mass.: Center for the Study of World Religions, Harvard Divinity School, 2002): 177-185.
“The Resurrection of the Dead and the Construction of Personal Identity in Ancient Israel,” in Congress Volume Basel 2001 (ed. A. Lemaire; Supplements to Vetus Testamentum; Leiden: Brill, 2002): 305-22.
“Controversy: Jewish-Christian Dialogue, Jon D. Levenson & Critics,” Commentary 113:4 (April, 2002): 17-21 (aftermath of the item below).
“How Not to Conduct Jewish-Christian Dialogue,” Commentary 112:5 (December, 2001): 31-37.
“Religious Affirmation and Historical Criticism in Heschel’s Biblical Interpretation,” Association for Jewish Studies Review 25 (2000/2001): 25-44.
“The New Enemies of Circumcision,” Commentary 109:3 (March, 2000): 29-36
“The Perils of Engaged Scholarship: A Rejoinder to Jorge Pixley,” in Jews, Christians, and the Theology of the Hebrew Scriptures. (ed. Alice Ogden Bellis and Joel S. Kaminsky; Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2000): 239-46.
“Is Brueggemann Really a Pluralist?” Harvard Theological Review 93:3 (2000): 265-94.
“The Seekers,” Commentary 107:6 (June, 1999): 38-45.
“Heschel, The Sabbath, at Century’s End,” Harvard Divinity Bulletin 28:1 (1998):13-15.
“Abusing Abraham: Traditions, Religious Histories, and Modern Misinterpretations,” Judaism 47:3 (1998): 259-77.
“Abraham Among Jews, Christians, and Muslims: Monotheism, Exegesis, and Religious Diversity,” ARC (The Journal of the Faculty of Religious Studies, McGill University) 26 (1998): 5-29
“The Contradictions of A.J. Heschel,” Commentary 106:1 (July, 1998): 34-38.
“The Problem with Salad Bowl Religion,” First Things 78 (December, 1997): 10-12.
“The Exodus and Biblical Theology: A Rejoinder to John J. Collins,” Biblical Theology Bulletin 26:1 (Spring, 1996): 4-10, reprinted, in Jews, Christians, and the Theology of the Hebrew Scriptures. (ed. Alice Ogden Bellis and Joel S. Kaminsky; Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2000): 247-61.
“Response to the Five Reviews of The Death and Resurrection of the Beloved Son,” Dialog 34:1 (Winter, 1995): 63-66.
Participation in a symposium, “Interpreting the Bible: Three Views,” First Things 45 (August/September, 1994): 42-44.
“The Bible: Unexamined Commitments of Criticism,” First Things 30 (1992): 24-33.
“Theological Liberalism Aborting Itself,” The Christian Century 109:5 (February 5-12, 1992): 139, 141, 143, 145-147, 149, reprinted in The Politics of Prayer: Feminist Language and the Worship of God (ed. Helen Hull Hitchcock; San Francisco: Ignatius, 1992): 37-44.
Statement in American Jews and the Separationist Faith: The New Debate on Religion in Public Life (ed. David G. Dalin. Washington: Ethics and Public Policy Center, 1992): 69-72.
“The God of Abraham and the Enemies of ‘Eurocentrism,’” First Things 16 (October, 1991): 15- 21, reprinted in The New Religious Humanists: A Reader (ed. Gregory Wolfe; New York: The Free Press, 1997): 215-30.
“The Good Friday - Passover Connection,” op-ed piece in the New York Times,
March 29, 1991.
“Indoctrination is Not Education,” a brief statement in “Opening Academia Without Closing It Down: A Campus Forum on Multiculturalism,” in the New York Times, December 9, 1990.
“Must We Accept the Other’s Self-Understanding?” Journal of Religion 71(1991): 558-567. Review essay on David Novak, Jewish-Christian Dialogue: A Jewish Justification.
“Exodus and Liberation,” Horizons in Biblical Theology 13 (1991): 134-174.
“The Hermeneutical Defense of Buber’s Hasidism: A Critique and Counterstatement,” Modern Judaism 11 (1991): 297-320.
“Liberation Theology and the Exodus,” Reflections 86:1 (winter-spring, 1991): 2-12. (Same as 46, except that it includes notes), reprinted in Jews, Christians, and the Theology of the Hebrew Scriptures (ed. Alice Ogden Bellis and Joel S. Kaminsky; Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2000): 215-30.
“Theological Consensus or Historicist Evasion? Jews and Christians in Biblical Studies,” in Hebrew Bible or Old Testament? Studying the Bible in Judaism and Christianity (ed. John J. Collins and Roger Brooks; Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame, 1990): 109-145.
“Liberation Theology and the Exodus,” Midstream 35:7 (October, 1989): 30-36.
“Zion Traditions,” Anchor Bible Dictionary (ed. David N. Freedman; New York: Doubleday, 1992): VI, pp. 1098-1102.
“Covenant and Consent: Biblical Reflections on the Occasion of the 200th Anniversary of the United States Constitution,” in The Judeo-Christian Tradition and the U.S. Constitution: Proceedings of a Conference at Annenberg Research Institute, November 16-17, 1987 (ed. David M. Goldenberg; Philadelphia: Annenberg Research Institute, 1989): 71-82.
“A Response to Professor Greenstein,” in The State of Jewish Studies (ed. Shaye Cohen and Edward Greenstein; Detroit: Wayne State University, 1990): 47-54.
“Cataclysm, Survival and Regeneration in the Hebrew Bible,” in Confronting Omnicide: Jewish Reflections on Weapons of Mass Destruction (ed. Daniel Landes; Northvale, N.J., and London: Jason Aronson, 1991): 39-68.
“The Eighth Principle of Judaism and the Literary Simultaneity of Scripture,” Journal of Religion 68 (1988): 205-225.
“The Hebrew Bible, the Old Testament, and Historical Criticism,” in The Future of Biblical Studies: The Hebrew Scriptures (ed. R. E. Friedman and H. G. M. Williamson; Semeia Studies. Decatur, Ga.: Scholars, 1987): 19-59.
“Why Jews Are Not Interested in Biblical Theology,” in Judaic Perspectives on Ancient Israel (ed. J. Neusner et al; Philadelphia: Fortress, 1987): 281-307. German translation by Rolf Rendtorff and Matthias Henze, “Warum Juden sich nicht für biblische Theologie interessieren?” Evangelische Theologie 51 (1991): 402-430.
“The Sources of Torah: Psalm 119 and the Modes of Revelation in Second Temple Judaism,” in Ancient Israelite Religion (ed. Patrick D. Miller, et al.; Philadelphia: Fortress, 1987): 559-574.
“A Jewish Studies Location for Biblical Studies: Does It Make a Difference?” Association for Jewish Studies Newsletter 36 (Fall, 1986): 16-19.
“Hebrew Bible in Colleges and Universities,” Religious Education 81 (1986): 37-44.
“The Jerusalem Temple in Devotional and Visionary Experience,” in Jewish Spirituality from the Bible through the Middle Ages (ed. A. Green; New York: Crossroad, 1986): 32-61.
“The Universal Horizon of Biblical Particularism,” pamphlet for the American Jewish Committee, New York: American Jewish Committee, 1985. 26 pp., reprinted with small revisions in The Bible and Ethnicity (ed. Mark G. Brett. Leiden: Brill, 1996): 143-69, and in Commitment and Commemoration: Jews, Christians, Muslims in Dialogue (ed. André LaCocque; Chicago: Exploration Press, 1994), 53-72.
“A Technical Meeting for N`M in the Hebrew Bible,” Vetus Testamentum 25 (1985): 61-67.
“Is There a Counterpart in the Hebrew Bible to New Testament Anti-Semitism?” Journal of Ecumenical Studies 22 (1984): 242-260.
“Ezekiel in the Perspective of Two Commentators,” Interpretation 38 (1984): 210-217. Review essay on Walther Zimmerli, Ezekiel, and Moshe Greenberg, Ezekiel 1-20.
“The Temple and the World,” Journal of Religion 64 (1984): 275-298.
“Some Unnoticed Connotations in Jer 20:9,” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 46 (1984): 223-225.
“The Last Four Verses in Kings,” Journal of Biblical Literature 103 (1984): 353-361.
“Covenant and Commandment,” Tradition: A Journal of Orthodox Jewish Thought 21 (1983): 42-51.
“Yehezkel Kaufmann and Mythology,” Conservative Judaism 36:2 (1982): 36-43.
“The Paronomasia of Solomon’s Seventh Petition,” Hebrew Annual Review 6 (1982): 131-135.
“From Temple to Synagogue: 1 Kings 8,” in Traditions in Transformation. (ed. B. Halpern and J. D. Levenson; Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, 1981): 142-166.
“The Theologies of Commandment in Biblical Israel,” Harvard Theological Review 77 (1980): 17-33 (Special issue in honor of the one-hundredth anniversary of the Society of Biblical Literature).
“The Political Import of David’s Marriages,” (with Baruch Halpern) Journal of Biblical Literature 99 (1980): 507-518.
“The Davidic Covenant and Its Modern Interpreters,” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 41 (1979): 205-219.
“1 Samuel 25 as Literature and as History.” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 40 (1978): 11-28; revised version published as “1 Samuel 25 as Literature and History,” in Literary Interpretation of Biblical Narratives; ed. Kenneth R. R. Gros Louis; Nashville: Abingdon, 1982): II, 220-242.
“On the Promise to the Rechabites,” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 38 (1976): 508-514.
“The Scroll of Esther in Ecumenical Perspective,” Journal of Ecumenical Studies 13 (1976): 440-452.
“Who Inserted the Book of the Torah?” 2 parts, Harvard Theological Review 68 (1975): 203-233.
“Poverty and the State in Biblical Thought,” Judaism 25 (1976): 230-241.
“Textual and Semantic Notes on Nah. 1:7-8,” Vetus Testamentum 25 (1975): 792-794.
“Life with Jews is Not Yet Jewish Life,” Sh’ma 3 (1973): 110-112.
“The Spindle-Whorl Inscription from Chatal Hüyük: A Forgery,” Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 209 (1973): 37-40.
“The Grundworte of Pier delle Vigne,” Forum Italicum 5 (1971): 499-513.

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