Йетс Дж.
Профессиональные интересы: Догматическое богословие, Патрология
Конфессии: Католичество

Краткая биографическая справка:

В декабре 1991 получил степень бакалавра Государственном университете Кеннесоу (Мариетта, США). В мае 1997 г. стал магистром богословия в Богословской семинарии Далласа (США). В июне 2000 г. стал магистром религиоведения на факультете теологии Католического университета Лувена (Бельгия). В июле 2005 г. защитил докторскую диссертацию (PhD) в Католическом университете Лувена (Бельгия).

В 1997-1998 гг. являлся профессорским ассистентом в Христианском колледжа Далласа (США). С октября 2001 г. по сентябрь 2005 г. занимал должность научного сотрудника Католического университета Лувена. В 2005-2006 гг. являлся приглашенным преподавателем Университета Виланова (Пенсильвания, США). С 2006 г. по настоящее время - постоянный преподаватель Университета Виланова.

Библиография работ автора:

In epistola alterius apostoli: The Epistle of James in Augustine of Hippo, The Bible in Ancient Christianity series (Leiden/Boston: Brill, date of publication pending).

Главы в книгах и академических сборниках
“De Genesi contra Manichaeos” in A Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine, eds. K. Pollmann and W. Otten (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011), forthcoming.
“The Use of the Bible in the North African Martyrological Polemics of Late Antiquity,” in Martyrdom and Persecution in Late Antique Christianity. Festschrift Boudewijn Dehandschutter, Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium CCXLI, ed. Johan Leemans (Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2010), 393-419.
“The use of Rom. 2:14-15 in the Christian Latin Tradition ca. 365- ca. 411—Augustine excepted,” in Studia Patristica XLIV. Papers presented at the Fifteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2007, ed. J. Baun et al. (Leuven: Peeters, 2010), 214-225.
“„Anti-Pelagian‟ or „Anti-Semipelagian‟? A Close Reading of Augustine‟s sermones 168 and 333,” in Ministerium Sermonis: Philological, Historical, and Theological Studies on Augustine’s Sermones ad populum, Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia 53, eds. G. Partoens, A. Dupont, M. Lamberigts (Turnhout: Brepols, 2009), 97-119.
“Selected Remarks on Some of Augustine‟s Unique Exegesis of the Catholic Epistles in the Pelagian Controversies,” in Studia Patristica Vol. XXX Papers presented at the Fourteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2003, ed. F. Young (Leuven: Peeters, 2006), 303-321.
“Augustine and the Manichaeans on Scripture, the Canon, and Truth,” in Orthodoxy, Process and Product, eds. M. Lamberigts, L. Boeve, T. Merrigan and D. Claes, BETL 202 (Leuven: Leuven University Press-Peeters, 2006), 11-30.
“Augustine's Appropriation of Cyprian the Martyr-Bishop against the Pelagians,” in More than a Memory: The Discourse of Martyrdom and the Construction of Christian Identity in the History of Christianity, ed. J. Leemans (Leuven: Peeters, 2005), 119-135.
“The Reception of the Epistle of James in the Latin West: Did Athanasius Play a Role?,” in The Catholic Epistles and the Tradition, ed. J. Schlosser BETL 176 (Leuven: Leuven University Press-Peeters, 2004), 271-286.
“Iacobus contra Iulianum Uno studio su alcune modalità di impiego della Lettera di Giacomo nelle opere polemiche della seconda controversia pelagiana,” in Giuliano d’Eclano e l’Hirpinia Christiana, ed. A. Nazzaro (Napoli: Arte Tipographica Editrice, 2004), 209-224.

Журнальные статьи и обзоры
“El uso de Rm 2,14-15 en la tradicíon christiana latina, ca. 365- ca. 411, excepto Agustín,” in Augustinus 56 (2011): 235-248. (A translation into Spanish of my 2010 Studia Patristica publication; see the third entry under “Chapters in Books or Conference Proceedings” above.)
“Paul, Faustus, and Augustine‟s Evolution toward anti-anti-Semitism,” Expositions 3/2 (2009): 185-195. (This is a Review Essay of Paula Fredriksen‟s Augustine and the Jews. A Christian Defense of Jews and Judaism (New York/London: Doubleday, 2009).
“B.G. Prusak‟s “An Analysis of Augustine‟s Argument in Confessions That Evil Does Not Exist”: A Response,” Expositions 3/1 (2009): 77-93.
“Romans 2:14-15 in the Latin Tradition Before the Pelagian Controversies,” Augustiniana 58 (2008): 27-74.
“Weaker Vessels and Hindered Prayers: 1 Peter 3:7 in Jerome and Augustine,” Augustiniana 54 (Mélanges offerts à T.J. Van Bavel à l‟occasion de son 80e anniversaire, 2004): 243-259.
“The Canonical Significance of the Citations of James in Pelagius,” Ephemerides Theologicae Lovaniensis 78 (2002): 482-489.
“The Epistle of James in Augustine and his Pelagian Adversaries: Some Preliminary Observations,” Augustiniana 52 (2002): 273-290.
“The Time and Place of Tyndale‟s Hebrew Learning: A Reconsideration,” Reformation 7 (2002): 24-47.
“Was there „Augustinian‟ Concupiscence in pre-Augustinian North Africa?,” Augustiniana 51 (2001): 39-56.
Conference Papers & Presentations:
“Preaching a Good and Immutable God: Augustine on James 1:17”
September 15-17, Ministerium Sermonis: An International Colloquium on Saint Augustine’s Sermons on the New Testament and their Context, Rome, Italy
“Augustine on Scripture‟s Self-Referential (?) claims to Inspiration by the Holy Spirit” August 8-13, The 16th University of Oxford International Conference on Patristics Studies, Oxford, England, U.K.
“Learning Communities without Borders”
February 8, The 30th Annual Conference on the First-Year Experience, Atlanta, GA
(co-presented with Nancy L. Kelley, Ph.D.)
“Christian Sacred Texts in Roman North Africa 248-391 AD”
October 22-24, Patristic, Medieval and Renaissance Conference, Villanova, PA
“Christian Sacred Texts in Roman North Africa before 248 C.E”
May 27-29, North American Patristics Society, Chicago, IL
“Ciceronian or Christian? The Sources for Augustine's Views of Friendship”
April 16, The 16th Annual Conference of ACTC (= Association of Core Texts and Courses), New Brunswick, NJ
“Quid est radix omnium malorum? The Love of Money and Other Disordered Desires in Augustine and the Early Latin Tradition”
October 16-18, Patristics, Medieval and Renaissance Conference, Villanova, PA
“The Nature and Role of Sacred Texts in Carthage and Roman North Africa ca. 200 to ca. 700 C.E.”
May 21-23, North American Patristics Society, Chicago, IL
“„Anti-Pelagian‟ or „Anti-Semipelagian‟? A Close Reading of Augustine‟s sermones 168 and 333,”
May 29-31, Ministerium Sermonis: An International Colloquium on Saint Augustine’s Sermons on the New Testament and their Context, Turhout & Louvain, Belgium
“Augustine and the “disease” of Sexual Desire: Selected Remarks Regarding His Idiosyncratic Reading of 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5”
May 22-24, North American Patristics Society, Chicago, IL
“The use of Rom. 2:14-15 in the Christian Latin Tradition ca. 365- ca. 411—Augustine excepted”
August 6-11, The 15th University of Oxford International Conference on Patristics Studies, Oxford, England, U.K.
“Recent Reconstructions of James‟ Reception History: A Critical Review and Assessment”
November 19-22, The Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Philadelphia, PA
“Athanasius‟ Western Legacy: The Vita Antonii as a Western Sourcebook”
November 16-18, The Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, Valley Forge Convention Center, King of Prussia, PA.
“De nuptiis et concupiscentia I: A Pauline Exegetical Milestone or Status quo ante?
June 3-4, “Sicut scripsit apostolus: The Text of the Apostle Paul in Augustine and his Pelagian Opponents (411-430),” The Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
“Augustine and the Manichaeans on Scripture, the Canon, and Truth”
Spetember 12-14, Orthodoxy, Process and Product: Theology and the Quest for Truth
Westmalle, Belgium
“The Reception of the Epistle of James in the Latin West: Did Athanasius Play a Role?,” July, 23-25, Colloquium Biblicum Lovaniense, The Catholic Epistles and the Tradition, The Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
“Selected Remarks on Some of Augustine‟s Unique Exegesis of the Catholic Epistles in the Pelagian Controversies”
August 18-23, The 14th University of Oxford International Conference on Patristics Studies, Oxford, England, U.K.
“Iacobus contra Iulianum: The Role of the Epistle of James within the Polemics of the Second Pelagian Controversy” / “Iacobus contra Iulianum Uno studio su alcune modalità di impiego della Lettera di Giacomo nelle opere polemiche della seconda controversia pelagiana,”
June 4-6, Giuliano D’Eclano e L’Hirpinia Christiana, Mirabella Eclano, Italy
“Augustine and the Tradition of „Cyprianus beatus martyr fidelissimus‟”
November 20-22, The Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada
“The Canonical and Exegetical Significance of the Epistle of James in Pelagius”
May 23-25, North American Patristics Society, Chicago, IL
Augustinus' omgang met de (pelagiaanse) brief van Jacobus” / “The Epistle of James in Augustine and his Pelagian Adversaries: Some Preliminary Observations”
October 9-11, NOSTER-conferentie: The Pelagian Conflict and its historical-theological Elaboration, Kapellerput, The Netherlands
“Was there „Augustinian‟ concupiscence in pre-Augustinian Roman North Africa?”
November 18-21, The Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion & The Society of Biblical Literature, Nashville, TN

Книжные обзоры
Since 1997, and, especially since 2001, I have been active in reviewing books in the fields of Historical Theology, The Reformation Period, The Patristic Period, and History of Exegesis for the following journals: Augustinian Studies, Augustiniana, The Society of Biblical Literature; Revue d’histoire de ecclesiastique; Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses; Expositions; Louvain Studies; and Bibliotheca Sacra. Some of my most recent reviews include:
For Augustinian Studies:
Bigham, D. Jeffrey, ed. The Routledge Companion to Early Christian Thought (London/New York: Routledge, 2010)
For Augustiniana:
Scheck, Thomas P. Origen and the History of Justification. The Legacy of Origen’s Commentary on Romans, (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2008)
For Revue d’histoire de ecclesiastique:
Bullen, Donald A., A Man of One Book? John Wesley’s Interpretation of the Bible, Studies in Evangelical History and Thought (Milton Keynes, UK/Waynesboro, GA: Paternoster, 2007)
For Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses:
Corpus Augustinianum Gissense (CAG) 2, Version 2.0, Zentrum für Augustinus-Forschung, Würzburg, ed. Cornelius Mayer (Basel: Schwabe AG, 2004)
For The Society of Biblical Literature:
Hale Williams, Megan, The Monk and the Book: Jerome and the Making of Biblical Scholarship (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006)

Контакты: Villanova Center for Liberal Education SAC, Room 103 Villanova University Villanova, PA 19085 Office: (610) 519- 8892 Email: jonathan.yates@villanova.edu

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