Николсон О.
Профессиональные интересы: Патрология, История Древней Церкви, Всеобщая история, Лингвистика (языкознание)
Конфессии: Англиканские церкви

Краткая биографическая справка:

Американский медиевист. Доцент Департамента классических и восточных исследований Университета Минессоты (США).

В 1976 году получил степень магистра в Оксфордском университете. В 1982 г. в том же университете был удостоен докторской степени (PhD).

В настоящее время осуществляет проекты:

  • The First Christian Humanist; Lactantius in Late Antiquity and Renaissance: Edited papers on influential Christian apologist (250-325 A.D), 2000 - ongoing
  • An Anatomy of Persecution: Book on motives and reactions in persecution of Christians to 313 A.D., 1995 - ongoing
  • Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity 250-750 A.D.: First-ever comprehensive reference work on period 250-750 A.D., 1999 - ongoing
Преподаваемые курсы:"Век Константина", "Век Юстиниана и Мухаммеда", "Римская религия и ранее христианство", "Время блаженного Августина".
Библиография работ автора:
  • “Arnobius and Lactantius,” Cambridge History of Early Christian Literature, 259-65. Nicholson, Oliver, Frances Young, Andrew Louth and Lewis Ayres (edd.), Cambridge, 2004.
  • Flight in Persecution as Imitation of Christ: Lactantius Divine Institutes IV, 18, 1-2. Nicholson, Oliver, 1989.
  • The Topography and Monuments of Eastern Turkey. Nicholson, Oliver, 1993.
  • The 'Pagan Churches' of Maximin Daia and Julian the Apostate. Nicholson, Oliver, 1994.
  • The End of Mithraism. Nicholson, Oliver, May-91.
  • The Corbridge Lanx and the Emperor Julian. Nicholson, Oliver, 1995.
  • “Constantinople: Christian Community, Christian Landscape”, The Making of Christian Communities in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, 27-47 & 155-6. Nicholson, Oliver, Mark Williams (ed.), London, Anthem Press, 2005.
  • “‘Civitas quae adhuc sustentat omnia’: Lactantius and the City of Rome”. Nicholson, Oliver, (1999).
  • "Caelum potius intuemini: Lactantius and a Statue of Constantine”. Nicholson, Oliver, Studia Patristica XXXIV 177-96, (2001).
  • Constantine's Vision of the Cross. Nicholson, Oliver, (2000).
  • "Boradening the Roman Mind Foreign Prophets in the Historical Scheme of Lactantius" Studia Patriotica (2001) 364-74
  • "Doing what comes naturally: Lactantius and Libido" Studia Patristica 31 (1997) 314-21
  • "The Romans and the Long Causeway at Tiverton" Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Society 53 (1995) 121-29
  • "The Aqueduct at Amasya in Pontus" - jointly with Caroline Nicholson Anatolian Studies 43 (1993) 143-46
  • "Lactantius's History of His Own Time: the First English Translation of De Mortibus Persecutorum (1687)" Studia Patristica XXIII (Leuven, 1989) 256-65.
  • "Golden Age and End of the World: Myths of Mediterranean Life from Lactantius to Joshua the Stylite" in The Mediaeval Mediterranean (ed. M. Chiat and K. Reyerson; S.Cloud, Minnesota, 1989) = Mediaeval Studies at Minnesota 3, pages 11-18.
  • "The Source of the Dates in Lactantius Divine Institutes" Journal of Theological Studies 36 n.s. (1985) 291-301.
  • “Preparation for Martyrdom in the Early Church”: Nicholson, Oliver, Editors: D.Vincent Twomey S.V.D. and Mark Humphries, Dublin, Four Courts Press, The Great Persecution: Proceedings of the Fifth Patristic Conference Maynooth 2003, 61-90, 2009.
Контакты: opn@umn.edu612/625-5030Classical & Near Eastern Studies 245 Nich Hall 216 Pillsbury Dr SE

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