Кэсидей А.
Профессиональные интересы: Аскетика, Догматическое богословие, Патрология, История Древней Церкви
Конфессии: Католичество

Краткая биографическая справка:

Британский патролог. Преподаватель богословия Университета Уэльса.

Доктор богословия (PhD).

Область научных интересов: патристика, православная аскетика, традиции молитвенного делания.

Библиография работ автора:

Избранная библиография

Tradition and Theology in St John Cassian, Oxford Early Christian Studies (Oxford: OUP, 2006)
co-editor with Andrew Louth, Byzantine Orthodoxies, SPBS Publications 12 (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006)
co-editor with Frederick Norris, The Cambridge History of Christianity, Vol. 2: Constantine to c.600(Cambridge: CUP, in press)Translations
Evagrius Ponticus, Early Church Fathers (London/New York: Routledge, 2006)
Saint John Cassian on Prayer, Fairacres Publications (Oxford: SLG Press, 2006)With T. Vivian, St Mark the Monk. On the Spiritual Life, Popular Patristics Series (Crestwood: SVS Press, in press)

‘Augustine, Cassian and De Incarnatione.’ Studia Patristica 38 (2001): 41-47.
Apatheia and sexuality in the thought of Augustine and Cassian.’ St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly 45 (2001): 359-394
‘“All are from one”: On St Antony the Great’s protology.’  Studia Monastica44.2 (2002): 207-227.
‘St Aldhelm on apocrypha.’ Journal of Theological Studies ns 55 (2004): 147-57 ‘Christ, the icon of the Father, in Evagrian theology.’ Il Monachesimo tra Eredità e Aperture: Testi e temi nella tradizione del monachesimo cristiano, Studia Anselmiana 140 (Rome: Sant’Anselmo, 2004): 31-60
‘St Aldhelm’s bees: a chapter in the history of a simile’. Anglo-Saxon England 33 (2004): 1-22.
‘Rehabilitating John Cassian: An evaluation of Prosper of Aquitaine’s polemic against the “Semipelagians”.’ Scottish Journal of Theology 58 (2005): 270-284.
‘Grace and the humanity of Christ according to St Vincent of Lérins.’ Vigiliae Christianae 59 (2005): 298-314.
‘John XIV (Kalekas), Byzantine politics-cum-theology and the early hesychast controversy.’ Autour du Patriarcat de Constantinople aux XIVe–XVIe siècles, ed. Dan Mureşan (Paris: E.H.E.S.S, in press)
‘Church Fathers and the Shaping of Doctrine.’ The Cambridge Companion to Orthodox Christian Theology, eds. Mary Cunningham and Elizabeth Theokritoff (Cambridge: CUP, forthcoming)

Контакты: a.casiday@lamp.ac.uk

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