Джианто А.
Профессиональные интересы: Библеистика
Конфессии: Католичество

Краткая биографическая справка:
Профессор Папского института "Библикум".
Проходил обучение в Университете индонезии. В 1980 г. окончил Папский Грегорианский университет.
В 1983 г. окончил магистратуру Папского института "Библикум". в 1987 г. защитил докторскую диссертацию в Гарвардском университете, посвященную ближневосточным языкам и цивилизациям.
С 1991 г. преподает в "Библикуме". С 1998 г. - профессор.
С 2005 г. является продеканом факультета древневосточных исследований.
Библиография работ автора:


  1. Konjungsi dan, atau, tetapi. Kajian Sintaktis dan Semantis (Kanisius, Yogyakarta 1983; 52 pp).
  2. Word Order Variation in the Akkadian of Byblos (STPohl 15; PIB, Roma 1990; X + 188 pp). [Revised and expanded version of A Study of Word Order Variations in the Byblos Amarna Letters Ph. D. Diss.; Harvard University 1987; X  + 184pp.].
  3. Dag-Dig-Dug...Byaar! (Kanisius, Yogyakarta 2004; 248 pp.).
  4. LangkahNya...Langkahku! (Kanisius, Yogyakarta 2005; XIV + 236 pp.).
  5. Membarui Wajah Manusia (Kanisius, Yogyakarta 2006; XVI + 192 pp.).
  6. Bersama Dia (Kanisius, Yogyakarta 2006; XIV + 166 pp.).
  7. Wah...apa itu? (Kanisius, Yogyakarta 2007 XIV + 206 pp.).
  8. Dahsyaat! (Kanisius, Yogyakarta 2007; XIV + 212 pp.). 

В соавторстве

  1. Co-author of Mysterium Christi, vol. 2, (a commentary on Mk 8:22-16:20, with J. Sutopo) (Kanisius, Yogyakarta 1977; 218 pp.).
  2. Collaboration in L. Santa Maria – M. Citro, Dizionario indonesiano-italiano. Con la collaborazione di A. Gianto – Z. Muttaqien (ISIAO, Roma 1998; XXVI + 640 pp.).

Под редакцией

  1. Biblical and Oriental Esssays in Memory of William L. Moran (edited by A. Gianto)  (Biblica et Orientalia 48; PIB, Roma 2005; X + 204 pp.).
  2. Dum docemus discimus. Ancient Near Eastern Essays in Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Pontifical Biblical Institute = Orientalia 78/3 (2009) 227-420; Tab. XXII-XLII.


  1. Mempercayai Kristus - Renungan atas Surat Galatia (Believing Christ - A Reflection on Paul's Letter to the Galatians)Rohani 37 (1981) 305-309; 317.
  2. Perbuatan Baik dan Keselamatan (Merit dan Salvation) Rohani 37 (1981) 342-436.
  3. Hikayat Nabi Mengajar Ali - Sebuah Tafsir Sastra (The Tale of the Prophet and His Teaching to Ali - A Literary Interpretation) Basis 32 (1983) 379-387.
  4. Penyajian Kisah Yesus dan Zakheus - Luk 19:1-10 (Text and Texture of the Story of Jesus and Zaccheus - Lk 19:1-10)Orientasi 16 (1984) 99-109.
  5. Some notes on the Mulk Inscription from Nebi Yunis (RES 367), Biblica 68 (1987) 397-401.
  6. Allah Pencipta dan UmatNya: Sebuah Esei Teologi Kitab Suci (God the Creator and His People: A Biblical Theological Essay), Orientasi Baru 4 (1990) 9-26.
  7. Kitab Suci dan Seni Sastra  (Bible and Literature), Rohani 37 (1990) 45-450.
  8. The Theme of Enjoyment in Qohelet, Biblica 73 (1992) 528-532.
  9. Pelbagai Teori Jati Diri Awal Umat Perjanjian Lama (Theories on the Early Identity of the OT People), Orientasi Baru 7 (1993) 60-70.
  10. Serpih-serpih Tutur Nalar Kepercayaan Orang Ugarit (Fragments of Theological Thinking at Ugarit) Rohani 11 (1993) 428-436.
  11. Subject Fronting in the Jerusalem Amarna Letters, Orientalia 63 (1994) 209-225.
  12. A New Edition of Aramaic Texts from Egypt, Biblica 76 (1995) 85-92.
  13. Membahasakan Pengalaman Batin (Words Denoting Inner Experience), Rohani 42 (1995) 12-18.
  14. Amarna Lexicography: The Glosses in the Byblos Letters, Studi Epigrafici e Linguistici (1995) 65-73.
  15. Kajian Interdisiplin Bahasa Semit Barat (Interdisciplinary Studies of West Semitic Languages), in Bambang K. Purwo (ed.), PELLBA 9: Proceedings of the 9th Linguistics Meeting of the Atma Jaya Language Institute (Kanisius, Yogyakarta 1996) 177-202.
  16. What's New in North-West Semitic Lexicography and Palmyrene Studies? Orientalia 65 (1996) 440-449.
  17. Variations in Biblical Hebrew, Biblica 77 (1996) 493-508.
  18. Script and Word Order in EA 162: A Case Study of Egyptian Akkadian, Orientalia 66 (1997) 426-433.
  19. Human Destiny in Emar and Qohelet, in A. Schoors (ed.), The Book of Qohelet in the Context of Wisdom  (BETL 136; Leuven 1998) 473-479.
  20. Mood and Modality in Classical Hebrew, FS Anson F. Rainey, Israel Oriental Studies 18 (1998) 183-198.
  21. Akkadian as a Contact Language, in K. Van Lerberghe -  G. Voet (ed.) At the Crossroads of Civilizations in the Syro-Mesopotamian Realm (OLA 96, Leuven 2000) 23-132.
  22. Sejarah, Apokaliptik, dan Kebijaksanaan Daniel (History, Apocalyptics, and Wisdom in Daniel), Forum Biblika 12 (2000) 3-9.
  23. Tantangan Menerjemahkan Ungkapan Khas Kitab Suci (Problems in Translating Specific Biblical Expressions), inAlkitab dan Komunikasi (Jakarta 2001) 189-201.
  24. Historical Linguistics and the Hebrew Bible, in Simonetta Graziani (ed.), Studi sul Vicino Oriente Antico dedicati alla memoria di Luigi Cagni  (Napoli 2000) 1553-1571.
  25. Antara Buah Ara dan Tafsir Wacana (Between a Fig and Discourse Interpretation) in  Basis 51 (2002) 16-21.
  26. Pelayanan Sabda dan Sosok Yesus (Ministering the Word and the Person of Yesus), in Rohani 51/2 (2004) 31-34.
  27. Pelayan Sabda dalam Ujud Karya Pelopor (The Minister of the Word and Pioneer Apostolate), in Rohani 51/8 (2004) 28-31.
  28. Variation in the Palmyrene Honorific Inscriptions, inE. Cussini (ed.) Essays to Remember  Delbert R.. Hillers (Brill. Leiden 2005) 74-88.
  29. Some Notes on Evidentiality in Biblical Hebrew, in A. Gianto (ed.) Biblical and Oriental Esssays in Memory of William L. Moran (Biblica et Orientalia 48; PIB, Roma 2005) 133-153.
  30. Aristotle, in S. Chapman – Ch. Routledge (eds.) Key Thinkers in Linguistics and the Philosophy of Language (Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh 2005) 1-7.
  31. Sacks, Harvey, in S. Chapman – Ch. Routledge (eds.) Key Thinkers in Linguistics and the Philosophy of Language (Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh 2005) 235-237.
  32. Hockett, Charles, in S. Chapman – Ch. Routledge (eds.) Key Thinkers in Linguistics and the Philosophy of Language (Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh 2005) 127-128
  33. Sabda Bahagia Pangkal Berharap (The Word – the Beginning of Hope), in Rohani 52 (2005) 30-33.
  34. Bolehkah Membayar Pajak Kepada Kaisar? (Is it Lawful to Pay Tax to Caesar) in Rohani 52 (2005) 28-30.
  35. Makna dan Perubahan Makna (Meaning and Change of Meaning), in Hidya Tjaya – J. Sudarminta (eds.) Menggagas Manusia Sebagai Penafsir (FS. Alex Lanur, Kanisius, Yogyakarta 2005) 29-57.
  36. Prakata (Foreword), in R. Kasser – M. Meyer – G. Wurst (eds.) Injil Yudas –The Gospel of Judas (Gramedia, Jakarta 2006) vii-xix.
  37. Dunia Alkitab dan Pengembangan Hobi (Bible and Hobby), in Rohani 53 (2006) 32-35.
  38. Notes from a Reading of Daniel 2, in Y.A.P. Goldman – A. van der Kooij – R.D. Weis (eds.), Sôfer Mahîr, Essays in Honor of Adrian Schenker Offered by Editors of Bibia Hebraica Quinta (VTS 110; Brill, Leiden 2006) 59-68.
  39. Mengapa Injil Yudas Tak Termasuk Alkitab? (Why is the Gospel of Judas not part of the Bible?) in Tempo 35 (2006) 120-121.
  40. Menyongsong kedatangan Penyelamat Bersama Injil Lukas (Expecting the Savior with the Gospel of Luke), in Rohani53 (2006) 26-29.
  41. Gesenius, Wilhelm (1785-1842), in Keith Brown (editor-in-chief), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, vol. 5 (Second Edition. Elsevier, Oxford 2006) 57-58
  42. Ibn Ezra, Abraham ca. 1089-1164), in Keith Brown (editor-in-chief), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, vol. 5 (Second Edition. Elsevier, Oxford 2006) 451-452.
  43. Ibn Janah (ca. 990-1050), in Keith Brown (editor-in-chief), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, vol. 5 (Second Edition. Elsevier, Oxford 2006) 452-453.
  44. Luzzato, Samuel David (1800-1865), in Keith Brown (editor-in-chief), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, vol. 7 (Second Edition. Elsevier, Oxford 2006) 347-348
  45. Petrus Hispanus (ca. 1210-1276) in Keith Brown (editor-in-chief), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, vol 9 (Second Edition. Elsevier, Oxford 2006) 321.
  46. Saadia Gaon (882-942), in Keith Brown (editor-in-chief), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, vol. 10 (Second Edition. Elsevier, Oxford 2006) 719.
  1. How does the Bible deal with infectious diseases, in Studia Bobolanum 54 (2006) 85-93.
  2. Ecclesiastes, in New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, vol. 2 (Nashville, Abingdon 2007) 178-185.
  3. Berjumpa dengan Dia,...seperti Nikodemus (Yoh 3:1-21) (Meeting him,.. Nicodemus’s way), in Rohani 54 (2007) 27-31.
  4. Kesunyian dan keheningan – untuk apa? (Solitude and Quiet – What for?) Rohani 55 (2008) 30-33.
  5. Lost and Found in the Grammar of First-Millennium Aramaic, in Holger Gzella (ed.), Aramaic and its Historical and Linguistic Setting (Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 2008) 11-25.
  6. Prototype, in S. Chapman – Ch. Routledge (eds.) Key Ideas in Linguistics and the Philosophy of Language (Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh 2009) 186-189.
  7. Modality, in S. Chapman – Ch. Routledge (eds.) Key Ideas in Linguistics and the Philosophy of Language (Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh 2009) 138-139.
  8. Hidup Religius – Sebuah Alternatif  (Religiuous Life – An Alternative) [Mat 6:1-6.16-18], in Rohani 56/2 (Feb. 2009) 29-31.
  9. “Pak, kami ingin menemui Yesus” (“Sir, we want to see Yesus”) [Joh 12:20-23), in Rohani 56/3 (Mar. 2009) 29-31.
  10. Plong! (Finally!) [Luk 24:35-48], in Rohani 56/4 (Apr. 2009) 29-31.
  11. Buah-buah Roh (The Fruits of the Spirit)  [Jo 15:26-27], in Rohani 56/5 (May 2009)28-30.
  12. Hidup Rohani: Kekuatan Berharap (Spirituality and the Strength of Hope) [Mrk 5:25-43], in Rohani 56/6 (2009) 28-31.
  13. Ugaritisch, in Holger Gzella (ed.),  Sprachen aus der Welt des Alten Testaments (Darmstadt, WBG 2009) 28-47.
  14. Grief, Joy, and Anger in Ugaritic Literary Texts, in W. H. van Soldt (ed.), Society and Administration in Ancient Ugarit(Leiden, NINO 2010) 45-57 = PIHANS 114, 45-57.
  15. Guessing, Doubting, and Northwest Semitic YAQTUL-U, in, F.M. Fales and G.F. Grassi, CAMSEMUD 2007. Proceedings of the 13th Italian Meeting of Afro-Asiatic Linguistics Held in Udine, May 21st-24th, 2007 (History and the Ancient Near East/Monographs – 10; Padova, SARGON Editrice 2010) 181-188.
  16. Unheeded Pleas to the Powers That Be? On Amarna Akkadian nenpušu ana and paṭāru, in A. Gianto (ed.), Dum docemus discimus. Ancient Near Eastern Essays in Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Pontifical Biblical Institute = Orientalia 78/3 (2009)282-291.
  17. Filologia e critica testuale dell’Antico Testamento, in Alberto Melloni (ed.), Dizionario del sapere storico-religioso del novecento (Bologna, il Mulino 2010) 892-896.

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