Опубликован очередной выпуск журнала "Religion, State and Society"

Научный журнал "Religion, State and Society" выходит c 1973 года. Прежде известный под заголовком "Religion in Communist Lands", этот журнал посвященн проблемам религии и тоталитаризма. Очередной номер посвящен богословским и церковно-политическим проблемам Православной Церкви на постсоветском пространстве, а также в Японии.

В номере:

Orthodox kaleidoscope: heterogeneity, complexity, and dynamics in the Russian Orthodox Church. An introduction
Katya Tolstaya

Ukrainian churches in defence of ‘traditional values’: two case studies and some methodological considerations
Heleen Zorgdrager

Questioning the European path: Orthodox political radicalism in contemporary Moldova
Anastasia Mitrofanova

Orthodox kaleidoscope: focus on Japan
Irina du Quenoy

In search of lost tradition. Orthodox pedagogy and the desecularisation of education studies in Russia
Irina Paert

A time of persecution or a time of glory? The Russian Orthodox Church’s centenary commemorations of the 1917 Revolution
Zuzanna Bogumił & Tatiana Voronina

The revival of the Name-Glorifiers debate in post-Soviet Russia
Scott M. Kenworthy

‘Satan in the form of an angel’? The Russian Orthodox Church’s controversial case against the Moscow brattsy, 1909 to 1913
Page Herrlinger

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