Patronal feast at church of the Three Hierarchs in Paris

On February 12, 2012 the commemoration day of Ss Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom, celebrations took place at the church of the Three Hierarchs in Paris on the occasion of its patronal feast.

The Divine Liturgy was celebrated in this cathedral church of the diocese Chersonese by Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro and Primorje (Serbian Orthodox Church), Archbishop Innokenty of Vilna and Lithuania, Archbishop Michael of Geneva and Western Europe, and Bishop Nestor of Chersonese.

They were assisted by the diocesan clergy and numerous guests in holy orders.

Among the worshippers was A. Orlov, Russian Ambassador to France.

During the service, Bishop Nestor ordained Deacon Maxim Politov as priest.

After the liturgy the rite of praising the Three Hierarchs was performed and ‘Many Years’ was sung to the guests, clergy and newly-ordained Father Maxim and all the parishioners.

On the same day, a festive concert took place with the participation of six Russian Orthodox choirs. In addition, liturgical compositions by J. S. Bach were performed by parishioners, the website of the diocese of Chersonese has reported.

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