Макгакин, Джон Энтони, Fr. Prof.
Профессиональные интересы: Патрология, История Древней Церкви, Агиология и агиография, Церковная археология, Монастыри и монашество
Конфессии: Православие

Краткая биографическая справка:

Ane Marie and Bent Emil Nielsen Professor in Late Antique and Byzantine Christian History, Professor of Byzantine Christian Studies, Columbia University, and Nielsen Professor in Late Antique and Byzantine Christian History at Union Theological Seminary

Fr John McGuckin is a Stavrophore priest of the Orthodox Church (Patriarchate of Romania) and a leading international commentators on Eastern Orthodox theology and Early Christian history. In 1997 he came to New York from England where he was formerly the University Reader in Patristic and Byzantine Theology at Leeds. 

Fr. John studied Philosophical Theology at Heythrop College, London, from 1970-72, then read for a Divinity degree at the University of London, graduating with First Class Honors in 1975. His PhD from Durham University (1980) was on the politics and theology of the early Constantinian era, with a thesis on the thought of Lucius Caecilius Lactantius, the Emperor Constantine's Christian tutor and later political advisor. In 1979 he was awarded a Certificate in Education from Newcastle University, and received an MA in Educational Studies in 1986 from Southampton University. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts in 1986, and a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society in 1996.

Библиография работ автора:

Полная библиография книг и статей.

Библиография работ автора на языке оригинала:

Historical Theology

Symeon the New Theologian. Chapters and Discourses. Cistercian Publications. Kalamazoo. 1982. pp. 144. Hardcover and Paperback. (Reprinted 1994).


St. Gregory Nazianzen: Selected Poems. SLG Press. Oxford. 1986. pp. xx, 24. Paperback. (Reprinted: 1989 & 1995).


The Transfiguration of Christ in Scripture and Tradition. Mellen Press. Lewiston (New York). 1987. pp. 333. Hardcover.


St. Cyril of Alexandria and the Christological Controversy. Its History, Theology, and Texts. Brill. Leiden. 1994. pp. 424. Hardcover.


2nd Edition: St. Cyril of Alexandria and the Christological Controversy. SVS Press. New York. paperback. 2004. pp. 425. Nominated for Christianity Today's 2004 Book Awards for History/Biography.


At the Lighting of the Lamps: Hymns From the Ancient Church. SLG Press. Oxford. 1995. pp. 102; Paperback.


2nd Edition, Morehouse, New York. 1997.


St. Cyril of Alexandria: On The Unity of Christ. (That the Christ Is One). SVS Press. New York. 1995. pp. 151. Paperback. (Reprinted 2001). (Synopsis of the Introduction reprinted in: Coptic Church Review. vol. 19. 1-2. Spring 1998. 42-51.)


St. Gregory of Nazianzus: An Intellectual Biography. SVS. Press. New York. 2001. 436 pp. (Hardcover and Paperback). Sfantul Grigorie Teologul Arhiepiscopul Constantinopolui. Editura: Invierea. Timisoara. Romania. 2004. (Paperback Romanian edition)


Standing In God's Holy Fire: The Spiritual Tradition of Byzantium. DLT London. / Orbis-Maryknoll. New York. 2001. 172 pp. Paperback.


The Book of Mystical Chapters: Meditations on the Soul's Ascent From the Desert Fathers and Other Early Christian Contemplatives. Shambhala Press. Boston. 2002. 215pp. Hardcover. (Paperback English Edition. 2003).


Mystieke Teksten van de Woejstijnvaders. Uitgeverij Ankh-Hermes bv. Deventer. 2003. (Hardcover Dutch Edition).


Cartea Capitolelor Mistice. Editura Mix. Brasov. Romania. 2005. (Paperback Romanian Edition).


Semnele Imparatiei. vol. 1. Antologie de Studii Biblice si Patristice. Editura Marineasa. Timisoara. Romania. 2003. [Collected Studies in Romanian Translation. Vol.1 ]. pp. 269.


Semnele Imparatiei. vol. 2. Antologie de Studii Bizantine si Teologice. Editura Marineasa. Timisoara. Romania. 2004. [Collected Studies in Romanian Translation. Vol.2.]. pp. 250.


The Westminster Handbook to Patristic Theology. Westminster John Knox Press. Louisville. Kentucky. 2004. [Author].


The Westminster Handbook to Origen of Alexandria. Westminster John Knox Press. Louisville. Kentucky. 2004. [Editor & Author]


Other Books - Belles, Lettres, Special Editions

Byzantium And Other Poems. Black Gate Press. Cramlington. 1994. pp. 52.


Lactantius: The Poem on the Ascent of the Phoenix. Translated by Eddie Flintoff. Introduction and Critical Notes by J. McGuckin. The Old School Press, Hinton Charterhouse. 1995.


Contracted Books In Preparation


The Lyre of Praise: The Great Ethiopian Hymn to the Virgin Mary: Enzhira Sebhot. (Translated and Introduced). SVS Press. New York. Appearing Fall 2007.


Ancient Christian Doctrines: Volume 2: Patristic Christology. (Collation of Core Texts Edited and Introduced). IVP Press. Appearing Fall, 2006.


The Orthodox Church. Blackwell. Oxford. Appearing Fall, 2007.


Articles and Chapters in Books


The Christology of Lactantius. Studia Patristica, 17, Oxford, 1982, 813-820.


The Non-Cyprianic Scripture Texts in Lactantius' Divine Institutes. Vigiliae Christianae, 36, 1982, 145- 163.


Spirit Christology: Lactantius and His Sources. Heythrop Journal, 24, 1983, 141 - 148.


The Theopaschite Confession (Text and Historical Context): A Study in the CyrillineReinterpretation of Chalcedon. Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 35, 2, 1984, 239 - 255.


The Patristic Exegesis of the Transfiguration. Studia Patristica, 18, vol.1, (Kalamazoo) 1986, 335 - 341.


Imperial Byzantine Ritual & its Effect on Christian Cult. Bulletin of the Society of Monastic Musicians (Digest). Vol. 8, No.1, April, 1984. 6-11.


Jesus Transfigured: A Question of Christology. Clergy Review, 69, No. 8, August, 1984, 271 - 279.


Symeon The New Theologian: His Vision of Theology. Patristic and Byzantine Review, vol. 3, No. 2, 1984, 208 - 214.


Christian Asceticism and the Early School of Alexandria. Studies in Church History, vol. 22 (Monks Hermits & The Ascetic Tradition), Oxford, 1985, 25 - 39.


Origen's Doctrine of the Priesthood. Clergy Review, 70, No. 8, August, 1985, 277- 286 ; Ibid. No. 9, Sept. 1985, 318 - 325 ; Synopsis in: Theology Digest, 33, 3, 1986.


The Changing Forms of Jesus According to Origen. Origeniana Quarta. Innsbrucker Theologischen Studien, Bd. 19, 1986, 215 - 222.


The Sign of the Prophet: The Significance of Meals in the Doctrine of Jesus. Scripture Bulletin, 16, 2, Summer 1986, 35 - 40. Reprinted in: Gab Reprints, Eldoret, Kenya, October, 1987.


Lactantius as Theologian. An Angelic Christology on the Eve of Nicaea. Rivista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa (Firenze), 22, 3, 1986, 492 - 497.


The Vine and the Elm Tree: The Patristic Interpretation of Jesus' Teachings on Wealth. Studies in Church History, 24 (The Church & Wealth), Oxford, 1987, 1 - 14.


The Enigma of Augustine's Conversion: Sept. AD 386. Clergy Review, 72, No. 8, Sept. 1986, 315 - 325. Reprinted in Gaba Reprints, Eldoret, Kenya, April, 1987.


Does Lactantius Denigrate Cyprian? Journal of Theological Studies, April, 1988, 119 - 124.


The Christology of Nestorius of Constantinople. Patristic and Byzantine Review, vol. 7, Nos. 2 - 3, 1988, 93 - 129.


Sacrifice and Atonement: An Investigation into the Attitude of Jesus of Nazareth Towards Cultic Sacrifice. in: Remembering for the Future vol. 1, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1988, 648 - 661.


Origen on the Glory of God. Studia Patristica, 21, (Leuven), 1989, 316 - 324.


The Concept of Orthodoxy in Ancient Christianity. Patristic and Byzantine Review, vol. 8, No. 1, 1989, 5 - 23.


Jesus' Self-Designation as a Prophet. Scripture Bulletin, 19, vol. 1, Winter, 1988, 2 - 11.


Did Augustine's Christology Depend on Theodore of Mopsuestia? Heythrop Journal, 31, 1990, 39 - 52. Ibid: Rivista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa, Firenze, 25, 3, 1989, 444 - 457.


Caesarea Maritima as Origen Knew it. in: Origeniana Quinta (Ed. R.J. Daly), Leuven, 1992, 3 - 25.


Origen on The Jews. Studies in Church History, vol. 29 (Christianity & Judaism), Oxford, 1992, 1 - 13. Reprinted in: E Ferguson (Ed). Recent Studies in Church History. vol 2.Garland Publishing. Hamden. CT. 1999.


The Influence of the Isis Cult on St. Cyril of Alexandria's Christology. Studia Patristica, 24, Leuven, 1992, 191 - 199.


Influenta cultului lui Isis asupra Hristologiei Sfantului Chiril al Alexandriei. Altarul Banatalui (Revista Arhiepiscopiei Timisoarei). Anul. XIV. (LIII). serie noua. Nr. 1-3; Jan-Mar. 2003. 39-46.


The Theology of Images and the Legitimation of Power in Eighth Century Byzantium. St. Vladimir's Theological Quarterly. vol. 37, No. 1, January, 1993, 39 - 58.


Martyr Devotion in the Alexandrian School (Origen to Athanasius). Studies in Church History, vol. 30 (Martyrs & Martyrologies), Oxford, 1993, 35-45. Reprinted in: E Ferguson (Ed). Recent Studies in Church History. vol. 5.Garland Publishing. Hamden. CT. 1999.


Signs of the Kingdom. ch.10 in: The Kingdom of God and Human Society, (Ed.) R.S. Barbour, Edinburgh, 1993, 190 - 207.


St. Cyril of Alexandria: Homily on the Feast of St. John The Theologian. Sourozh (Journal of the Russian Orthodox Church in England). vol. 51. Fall. 1993. 34-35.


Perceiving Light from Light in Light. The Trinitarian Theology of St. Gregory The Theologian. (Commemorative Volume for his 16th Centenary), Greek Orthodox Theological Review (Brookline, Mass.) vol. 39. 1-2, 1994, 7-32.


Structural Design & Apologetic Intent in Origen's Commentary on John. Origeniana Sexta, [Origen and the Bible] (Edd. G. Dorival & A. Le Boulluec) Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium, CXVIII, [Leuven Univ. Press ], Peeters, Leuven, 1995, 441 - 457


Variations on a Theme: Monasticism in the Latin & Byzantine Experience. Medieval Life. No. 2, Spring 1995, 5-8, & ibid. No. 3. Autumn 1995, 3-5.


St. Symeon the New Theologian and Byzantine Monasticism. in: Mount Athos & Byzantine Monasticism. Ed. A. Bryer. Variorum Press, Aldershot, 1996. 17-35.


Nestorius and the Political Factions of 5th Century Byzantium: Factors in his Downfall. Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library. (Special Issue), The Church of the East: Life and Thought. Edd. J.F. Coakley & K. Parry, Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library 78. 3. 1996. 7-21.


The Vision of God in St. Gregory Nazianzen. Studia Patristica. 32. (Ed. E A Livingstone). Peeters, Leuven. 1996. 145-152.


St. Symeon the New Theologian (d. 1022): Byzantine theological renewal in search of a precedent. Studies in Church History. vol. 33. (The Church Retrospective), Boydell Press. Suffolk & NY. 1997. 75-90.


The Notion of Luminous Vision in 11th Century Byzantium: Interpreting the Biblical and Theological Paradigms of St. Symeon the New Theologian. in: Work & Worship at the Theotokos Evergetis. [Acts of the Belfast Byzantine Colloquium. Portaferry 1995 ] Ed. M Mullett. Queens University Press. Belfast, 1997. 90-123.


Moses und das Geheimnis Christi in der Exegese des Cyrill von Alexandrien. Tubingen Theologische Quartalschrift. 4. 1998. 272-286.


English version: Moses and the Mystery of Christ in Cyril of Alexandria's Exegesis. Coptic Church Review. [Spring-Summer.] 2000: vol. 21. No. 1. pp. 24-32; Vol. 21. No.2. pp. 98-114.


Eschaton and Kerygma: The Future of the Past in the Present Kairos. [The Concept of Living Tradition in Orthodox Theology.] St. Vladimir's Theological Quarterly. vol. 42. Nos. 3-4. Winter)1998. 225-271.


Idem in Romanian Translation: 
(i) Eschaton si Kerygma - Viitorul Trecutului in Kairos-ul Contemporan. Conceptul de Traditie Vie in Teologia Ortodoxa. Partea 1. (tr. M.Radulescu). Altarul Banatului. Anul. 13. (52), serie noua nr. 4-6, Aprilie- Iunie. 2002. (Revista Arhiepiscopiei Timişoarei, Episcopiei Aradului şi a Episcopiei Caransebeşului, Episcopiei Gyulei şi Episcopiei din Iugoslavia). pp. 7-24. 
(ii) Idem. Partea a 2. Altarul Banatului. Anul. 13.(52), serie nouă, nr. 7-9, Iulie - Septembrie 2002, pp. 31-40.


Article: Byzantine Monasticism. in A Dictionary of Eastern Christianity. Edd. K. Parry, S. Griffiths, et al. Blackwell, Oxford. 1999.


The Enigma of the Christ Icon Panel at St. Catherine's at Sinai: A Call for Re-Appraisal. Union Theological Seminary Quarterly Review. 52. 3-4. 1999. 29-47.


The Prayer of the Heart in Patristic and Early Byzantine Tradition. pp. 69-108, in - Prayer & Spirituality in the Early Church. vol. 2. edd. P Allen, W Mayer, & L Cross. Queensland. 1999. (Australian Catholic University. Centre for Early Christian Studies).


Lent Through the Centuries. in: The Living Pulpit. vol. 9. No. 1. pp. 9, 18. (New York). Jan - March, 2000.


Articles: St. Cyril of Alexandria. also: Nestorianism. in : The Dictionary of Historical Theology. Ed. T. A. Hart. Paternoster Press, Exeter, [Eerdmans, Grand Rapids] 2000.


Aliens and Citizens of Elsewhere: Xeniteia in East Christian Monastic Literature. pp. 23-38 in: D. Smythe. (Ed.) Strangers to Themselves: The Byzantine Outsider. Ashgate-Variorum Press. London. 2000. [Acts of the 32nd Symposium of The Society for Byzantine Studies. Brighton. 1998.]


Articles: Constantinople, Council of Ephesus, Chalcedon, Deification, Greek Theology 4-6th Centuries, Monophysitism, Nestorianism, Nicaea, & Quest of The Historical Jesus, in: The Oxford Companion to Christian Thought. A Hastings. (et al. edd). OUP. Oxford & New York. 2000.


Greek Theology -4th to 6th Centuries. Reissued as chapter 2 in: A Hastings, A Mason & H Pyper (edd). Christian Thought: A Brief History. Oxford & New York. 2002. pp. 17-32.


Articles: Cyril of Alexandria, John Klimakos, Neophytos Enkleistos, Relics, Symeon the New Theologian, Canonisation in: The Encyclopedia of Greece & The Hellenic Tradition. G. Speake. (ed). Fitzroy-Dearborn. London. 2000.


Articles: S. Gregory Nazianzen, S. John of Damascus, S. John Klimakos, Macrina, Pachomios, & Shenoudi of Atripe. In: Encyclopedia of Monasticism. WM Johnston. (ed). Fitzroy-Dearborn. Chicago. 2000.


Chapter 1: The Early Church Fathers. in: The Story of Christian Spirituality. G. Mursell. (ed). Lion Books. Oxford. 2001. (& Fortress Press. Minnesota. 2001.)


Chapter 4: The Eastern Christian Tradition. in: The Story of Christian Spirituality. G. Mursell. (ed). Lion Books. Oxford. 2001. (& Fortress Press. Minnesota. 2001.)


Autobiography as Apologia in St. Gregory Nazianzen. (Acts of the 13th Int. Oxford Patristics Conference. 1999). Studia Patristica vol. 37. EJ Yarnold & MF Wiles, (edd). Peeters, Leuven, 2001. pp. 160-177.


The Paradox of the Virgin-Theotokos: Evangelism and Imperial Politics in the 5th Century Byzantine World. [Address to the International Conference: The Theotokos in Art and Culture. Benaki Museum. Athens. January 2001]. In: Maria: [A Journal of Marian Theology]. vol.3. Autumn, 2001, pp. 5-23.


Articles: Epiphany, Creeds, & Icon. in: WC Roof. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Contemporary American Religion. vol. 1. (Macmillan.) New York. 2001.


Articles: Athanasius of Alexandria, Cyril of Alexandria, Nestorius of Constantinople, & Eutyches of Constantinople. in: AG Traver (ed). From Polis to Empire - The Ancient World c. 800BC to AD 500. A Biographical Dictionary. Greenwood Press. Westport. CT. & London. 2001.


The Book of Revelation and Orthodox Eschatology: The Theodrama of Judgement. pp. 113-134 in: The Last Things: Biblical and Theological Perspectives on Eschatology. CE Braaten & RW Jenson. (edd) Eerdmans. Grand Rapids/Cambridge. 2002.


Il Lungo Cammino Verso Calcedonia. [The Long Road to Chalcedon: The unfolding nexus of Christological definition from Origen to Dioscorus.] pp. 13- 41, in: A Ducay (ed). Il Concilio di Calcedonia 1550 Anni Dopo. Rome. (Libreria Editrice Vaticana). 2002.


Articles: Hell, and Purgatory. In: The Encyclopedia of Death and Dying. R. Kastenbaum. (ed). Macmillan. New York. 2002.


Cyril of Alexandria: Bishop and Pastor. ch 8. pp. 205-236. in: T.Weinandy & DA Keating (edd). The Theology of Cyril of Alexandria: A Critical Appreciation. T&T Clark. Edinburgh. 2003.


Article: The Byzantine Empire. in: The Encyclopedia of Religious Freedom. D Davis & S Juss (edd). Berkshire Publishing/Routledge. London. 2003.


Origen as Literary Critic in the Alexandrian Tradition. in: L. Perrone. (ed) Origeniana Octava. Peeters, Leuven. 2003. pp.121-135.


A Remembrance of Sedulius the Irishman (Carmen 70). pp. 301-306. in: Xenium Natalicium Corpus Christanorum 1953-2003.50th Anniversary Volume. (ed) J Leemans. Brepols. Turnhout. 2003.


The Legacy of the Thirteenth Apostle: Origins of the East- Christian Conceptions of Church-State Relation. [Address delivered at the Conference: "The Legacy of Constantine." (August. 2000. Exeter University) in: St. Vladimir's Theological Quarterly. 47. Nos. 3-4. 2003. 251-288.


The Council of Nicaea. In: Christian History and Biography. No. 85. Winter 2005. (Special Issue on the Council of Nicaea.) pp. 18-23.


Orthodoxy and Western Christianity: The Original European Culture War? in V Hotchkiss & P Henry (edd). Orthodoxy and Western Culture (Festschrift for Jaroslav Pelikan at 80). SVS Press. New York. 2005. pp. 85-107.


Articles: Byzantine Spirituality, Cappadocian Fathers, Hesychasm, The Jesus Prayer, Macarian Spirituality, & Theoria. in: The New Westminster Dictionary of Spirituality. P Sheldrake (ed). SCM Press. London. 2005. [WJK Press, Louisville. Ky].


Gregory of Nazianzus: The Rhetorician as Poet. in: T Hagg & J Bortnes (edd). Gregory of Nazianzus: Images and Reflections. Museum Tusculanum Press. Copenhagen. 2005. pp. 193-212.


Early Christian Egypt and the Origin of the Icon. in R Temple (ed). Masterpieces of Early Christian Art. (Catalogue of the Exhibition of Early Christian Art. Temple Gallery). London. 2005.


A Neglected Masterpiece of the Christian Mystical Tradition: The Hymns of Divine Eros by the Byzantine Poet Symeon the New Theologian (949-1022). Spiritus. 5. 2005. 182-202.


Recent Biblical Hermeneutics in Patristic Perspective: The Tradition of Orthodoxy. pp. 293-324. in: T Stylianopoulos (ed) Sacred Text and Interpretation: Perspectives in Orthodox Biblical Studies. Papers in Honor of Prof. Savas Agourides. Holy Cross Press. Brookline. 2006. [See also: Greek Orthodox Theological Review. Special Issue. Vol. 47. 1-4. 2002].


Christian Spirituality in Byzantium and the East (600-1700) in: A Holder (ed). The Blackwell Companion to Christian Spirituality. Oxford. 2006. pp. 90-105.


Non Violence and Peace Traditions in Early and Eastern Christianity. In: Religion, Terrorism and Globalization: Non-Violence - A New Agenda. (ed) KK Kuriakose. (Nova Science Press). New York. 2006.


Patterns of Biblical Exegesis in the Cappadocian Fathers. in: S.T. Kimborough. (ed) Orthodox and Wesleyan Spirituality Vol 2. (Biblical Theology - Papers of the Orthodox-Methodist International Theological Consultation. Crete. 2002). SVS Press. 2006.


Article: Angels, in: D Stout (ed). The Encyclopedia of Religion and Media. (Berkshire Publishing). Routledge. London. 2006.


Origen and the Mystery of the Pre-Existent Church. International Journal for the Study of the Church. vol. 6. No. 3. 2005. 207-222.


S. Cirillo Alessandrino. in A. Di Berardino & M Simonetti (edd). Dizionario di Letteratura Patristica. (Edizioni San Paolo). Milan. 2006.


Eschatological Horizons in the Cappadocian Fathers. in Early Christian Eschatology. ed. RJ Daly. [Papers of the Conference on Apocalypticism at Holy Cross Orthodox Academy. Summer 2004]. Baker Academic Press. 2006.


Chapters of Books, Articles or Encyclopedia Sections, Currently In Press

The Peculiarities of Lactantius' Theological Agenda. Appearing in Medieval Cultures. OP Nicholson., (ed). University of Minnesota Press. 2006.


Monasticism and Monasteries. ch. III.3. iv. in: E Jeffreys, R Cormack & J Haldon (edd). The Oxford Handbook of Byzantine Studies. Oxford University Press. Oxford. 2006.


Theotokos: The Mother of God in the Later Patristic Period. in: The Cambridge Companion to the Virgin Mary. (ed) S. Boss. Cambridge University Press. 2006.


Fr. Pavel Florensky (1882-1937) on Iconic Dreaming. In: Icon and Modernity. (Ed) D. Greenfield. NY. 2006.


Deification in Greek Patristic Thought: The Cappadocian Fathers' Strategic Adaptation of a Tradition. Appearing in: J Wittung (ed). Theosis. (Papers from the Academic Conference at Drew University- Summer 2004). Madison. NJ. 2006.


Articles: Cyril of Alexandria, Orthodox Spirituality, Iconography, Transfiguration, in: DM Patte (ed). The Cambridge History of Christianity. Cambridge University Press. London and New York. 2006.


Poetry and Hymnography. (The Greek Christian World). The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Studies. Oxford University Press. Oxford. 2007.


The Shaping of the Soul's Perceptions in the Byzantine Ascetic Elias Ekdikos. in J Matula (ed). The Body-Soul Problem in Byzantine Thought. (Palacky University, Olomouc).

Orthodoxy lecture chronicles the Philokalia
The Ascent of Christian Law: Patristic and Byzantine Formulations of a New Civilization
This work asks the question: "What did Christianity do to build a civilization"? In the present age, law has been used energetically to micro-manage human societies, values, and aspirations. But did law work that way in antiquity?

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