Эстли Джефф, свящ.
Профессиональные интересы: Философия, Религиоведение, Духовное образование и религиозное воспитание, Педагогика
Конфессии: Англиканские церкви

Краткая биографическая справка: Изучал естественные науки, а затем теологию в Кэмбриджском университете. Продолжил богословское образование в Университете Бирмингема, где также проходил подготовку к рукоположению.

В 1970 г. стал священником Церкви Англии. Проходил священническое служение сначала в Южном Стаффордшире, затем переехал в Дарем, где в в местном университете стал капелланом в преподавателем богословия в "St Hild’s College" (позднее был переименован в "College of St Hild and St Bede"). В это же время начал работать над докторской диссертацией (PhD) по философии религии (тема касалась религиозной эпистемологии епископа Иана Рэмси), которую защитил в 1979 г.

В 1977-1981 гг. преподавал в "Bishop Grosseteste College", "Lincoln Theological College" и в Университете Ноттингема.

В 1981 г. вернулся в Дарем, где стал директором "North of England Institute for Christian Education", целями которого являлось установление контактов между христианской теологией и образованием.

В 1981 г. стал почетным лектором Даремского университета. В 1997 г. - почетным членом (honorary fellow) и преподавателем практической теологии и христианского образования в том же университете.

Академические интересы: христианское образование, практическая теология, философия религии.
Библиография работ автора:


  • Astley, Jeff. 2010. SCM Studyguide to Christian Doctrine. London: SCM Press.
  • Astley, Jeff. 2004. Exploring God-Talk: Using Language in Religion. London: Darton, Longman and Todd.
  • Astley, Jeff. 2002. Ordinary theology: looking, listening and learning in theology. Aldershot: Ashgate. (View publication online)
  • Astley, Jeff. 1994. The Philosophy of Christian Religious Education. Birmingham, Alabama: Religious Education Press.

Под редакцией

  • Astley, Jeff., Brown, David. & Loades, Ann. 2009. Christology: Key Readings in Christian Thought. Louisville, Kentucky / London: Westminster John Knox Press / SPCK.
  • Francis, Leslie J. Robbins, Mandy. & Astley, Jeff. 2009. Empirical Theology in Texts and Tables: Qualitative, Quantitative and Comparative Perspectives. Leiden: Brill.
  • Astley, Jeff., Francis, Leslie J. & Robbins, Mandy. 2007. Peace or Violence: The Ends of Religion and Education?. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
  • Day, David., Astley, Jeff. & Francis, Leslie J. 2005. A Reader on Preaching: Making Connections. Explorations in Practical, Pastoral and Empirical Theology. Aldershot: Ashgate.
  • Astley, Jeff., Brown, David. & Loades, Ann. 2004. God in Action: A Reader. London: T. & T. Clark.
  • Astley, Jeff., Brown, David. & Loades, Ann. 2004. Science and Religion: A Reader. London: T. & T. Clark.
  • Astley, Jeff., Brown, David. & Loades, Ann. 2003. Creation: A Reader. London: T. & T. Clark.
  • Astley, Jeff., Brown, David. & Loades, Ann. 2003. Evil: A Reader. London: T. & T. Clark.
  • Astley, Jeff., Brown, David. & Loades, Ann. 2003. War and Peace: A Reader. London: T. & T. Clark.


  • Astley, Jeff. 2009. Evolution and Evil: The Difference Darwinism Makes in Theology and Spirituality. In Reading Genesis After Darwin. Barton, Stephen C. & Wilkinson, David. New York: Oxford University Press. 163-180.
  • Astley, Jeff. 2009. The Psychology of Faith Development. In International Handbook of Education for Spirituality, Care and Wellbeing. de Souza, Marian, Francis, Leslie J. O’Higgins-Norman, James. & Scott, Daniel G. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. One: 231-245
  • Astley, Jeff. 2007. Crossing the Divide? In Inspiring Faith in Schools: Studies in Religious Education. Felderhof, Marius., Penny Thompson, Penny. & Torevell, David. Aldershot: Ashgate. 175-186.
  • Astley, Jeff. 2007. Public and Personal Peace in Life, Religion and Education: An Exercise in Ordinary Theology. In Peace or Violence: The Ends of Religion and Education?. Astley, Jeff., Francis, Leslie J. & Robbins, Mandy. Cardiff: University of Wales Press. 151-173
  • Astley, Jeff. 2004. Christian Teaching, Christian Learning and Christian Love: Education as Christian Ministry and Spiritual Discipline. In The Idea of a Christian University: Essays on Theology and Higher Education. Astley, Jeff., Francis, Leslie J., Sullivan, John. & Walker, Andrew. Milton Keynes: Paternoster. 132-146
  • Astley, Jeff. 2004. Religious Non-Realism and Spiritual Truth. In New Directions in Philosophical Theology. Hyman, Gavin. Aldershot: Ashgate. 19-33
  • Astley, Jeff. 2003. Spiritual learning good for nothing?. In Spirituality, philosophy and education. Carr, David. & Haldane, John. London: Routledge. 141-153. (View publication online)
  • Astley, Jeff. 2001. From religion to science: religious education and scientific understanding. In The fourth R for the third millennium: education in religion and values for the global future. Francis, Leslie J., Astley, J. & Robbins, Mandy. Dublin: Lindisfarne Books. 17-45. (View publication online)


  • Astley, Jeff. 2009. Religion versus Darwin: Should Evolution Denial Go to School? Theology CXII(868): 270-278.
  • Astley, Jeff. 2005. Religious Schooling and the Challenge of the Poor. Journal of Empirical Theology 18(1): 41-47.
  • Astley, Jeff. 2004. Christian Ethics in the Classroom, Curriculum and Corridor. Studies in Christian Ethics 17(1): 54-68.
  • Astley, Jeff. & Francis, Leslie J. 2002. Christian Education and Openness: An Empirical Investigation among Undergraduates. Religious Education 97(1): 4-22
  • Astley, Jeff. 2002. Evangelism in education: impossibility, travesty or necessity?. International journal of education and religion 3(2): 179-194. (View publication online)
  • Astley, Jeff. 2002. In Defence of Ordinary Theology. British Journal of Theological Education 13(1): 21-35
Контакты: Telephone: 0191 33 43331 email: jeff.astley@durham.ac.uk

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