Call for papers for Fifth International Orthodox Music Conference

The International Society for Orthodox Church Music [ISOCM] recently announced an official Call for Papers for its fifth conference to be held at the University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland, June 3-9, 2013.

Presentation topics should relate to the theme of the conference—“Church Music and Icons: Windows to Heaven.”  The language of the conference will be English.

The conference, which is open to everyone interested in the theme in particular or liturgical music in general, will feature a variety of educational presentations and an excursion to the monasteries of Valamo and Lintula. It is expected that participants from around the world will attend.

Possible paper topics include Church music as icon, the aesthetic and historical parallels between church music and icons, icons in hymnography, and hymnography in icons.  Interdisciplinary contributions—art history, iconography and hymnology—are also encouraged and welcome.

Proposals should be sent by March 1, 2013 to the Society using the on-line form available here. All papers will be published at the conclusion of the conference.

Additional information and on-line registration forms may be found here, while questions may be directed to Priest Ivan Moody, ISOCM Board Chair, at; David Lucs, ISOCM board member, at; or Maria Takala-Roszczenko, ISOCM Secretary, at

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