Middle East and Arab join Egypt's Christians in prayer for peace

Christians across the Middle East and Arab world united in prayer for Egypt earlier in the month.

The 12-hour long night of prayer was broadcast live by SAT-7 from the Cave Church in Cairo, Egypt.

The event was broadcast across the Middle East and Arab countries, and it is estimated that as many as 70,000 Christians took part in Egypt alone.

Christians from the Orthodox, Catholic and evangelical traditions took part in the event, the longest live television event SAT-7 has ever done.

"The event made a big impact on both the Christian and secular media," said Farid Samir, Director of SAT-7's operations in Egypt.

"Six other Christian channels took the feeds to re-air on their own channels. Several of them are already repeating the whole event again. Al Jazeera and Dream (a popular secular Egyptian channel) took the feed and ON-TV, a channel that played a key role during the Egyptian revolution, also covered the event."

The Egyptian national press also provided positive coverage of the night and a Facebook page created especially for the night attracted more than 800,000 comments.

Worship on the night was led by singers and musicians from different churches, while prayers focused on personal repentance, and the needs of the church and the country.

Egyptian church leaders spoke especially of the need for peaceful relations in society, and for prayers ahead of the parliamentary elections starting next Monday.

Priests from churches in Los Angeles and Syria flew in specially to take part in the event in Cairo.

Mr Samir paid tribute to the unity of Egypt's churches.

"The inter-denominational nature of the occasion and unity demonstrated by church leaders made a big impact on the audience, encouraging them to join hands in unity with other Christians and seek God together ... There were a lot of tears, cheers, smiles, and excitement," he said

"We pray and believe God is going to do miracles in the Middle East and North Africa through His Church.

"We are so excited by the way God has blessed us, in trusting us to be a part of His Great Commission."


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