Профессор Даремского университета (Великобритания).
Родился в Великобритании. Получил магистерскую степень в Университете св. ап. Андрея (Англия) (1988 г.), докторскую степень (Ph.D.) - в колледже Merton Оксфордского университета (1994).
Преподавал в Великобритании, Ирландии (колледж Trinity в Дублине), США (университеты Duke и Emory).
С 2009 г. является профессором Даремского университета.
Входит в редакционные советы научных журналов "Modern Theology", "Conversations in Theology", "Journal of Early Christian Studies".
Возглавляет центр католических исследований "Bede Chair" при Даремском университете.
Augustine and the Trinity (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010).
Works on the Spirit: Athanasius and Didymus, tr. and ed. with Mark DelCogliano and Andrew Radde-Gallwitz (Crestwood NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, forthcoming).
The Mystery of the Holy Trinity in the Fathers of the Church, edited with Vincent Twomey (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2007), 199pp.
The Question of Orthodoxy in Early Christianity, edited. Special edition of Journal of Early Christian Studies 14 (2006).
Nicaea and its Legacy: An Approach to Fourth Century Trinitarian Theology (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2004), 496pp. Paperback 2006. [sample review: Maurice Wiles, JThS 56 (2005), 670-675; review symposium in Harvard Theological Review 100 (2007)]
The Cambridge History of Early Christian Literature, edited with Andrew Louth & Frances Young, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004), 538pp. Paperback 2007.
Christian Origins: Theology, Rhetoric and Community, edited with Gareth Jones (London: Routledge, 1998), pp. x + 219.
The Passionate Intellect: Essays on the Transformation of Classical Traditions Presented to Professor Ian Kidd, Rutgers University Studies in the Classical Humanities Vol. VII, edited (Brunswick NJ: Transaction, 1995), pp. xvi + 376.
Corpus of British Medieval Library Catalogues: Standard Editions Titles and Notes with Richard Sharpe & David N. Bell, (London: British Library, 1993), pp. 114. [2nd ed. 1994, pp. 160; 3rd ed. 1995 only Richard Sharpe]
Статьи в научных журналах:
1. “The Soul and the Reading of Scripture: A Note on Henri De Lubac,” Scottish Journal of Theology 61 (2008), 173-190.
2. “Lex Domini, Lex Spiritus: Pro-Nicene Pneumatology AD 360-400.” This article and no. 2 will be part of a special edition of Augustinian Studies, forthcoming 2008.
3. “Spiritus Amborum: The Foundations of Augustine’s Pneumatology.”
4. “Giving Wings to Nicaea: Reading Augustine’s Earliest Trinitarian Theology,” Augustinian Studies 38 (2007).
5. “Nicaea and Its Legacy: An Introduction” and “A Response to the Critics of Nicaea and Its Legacy,” Harvard Theological Review 100 (2007), 141-144, 159-171 [part of review symposium on my Nicaea and Its Legacy].
6. “Deification and the Dynamics of pro-Nicene theology: The Contribution of Gregory of Nyssa,” St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly 49 (2005), 375-395.
7. “Augustine on the Rule of Faith: Rhetoric, Christology, and the foundation of Christian thinking,” Augustinian Studies 36 (2005), 33-49.
8. “Athanasius’s initial defense of the term o(moou&sioj: Re-reading the De decretis,” Journal of Early Christian Studies 12 (2004), 337-359.
9. “On Not Three Persons: The Structure of Gregory of Nyssa’s Trinitarian Theology as seen in Ad Ablabium: On Not Three Gods,” Modern Theology 18 (2002), 445-474. [also printed in Sarah Coakley (ed.) Re-Thinking Gregory of Nyssa (Oxford and Malden MA: Blackwells, 2003), 15-44]
10. “On Knowing the End: Some Questions for David Ford,” Journal of Scriptural Reasoning 1 (2001) (web-based journal from University of Virginia, Dept of Religious Studies: http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/journals/ssr/issues/volume1/number1/).
11. “’Remember that you are Catholic’ (serm. 52, 2): Augustine on the Unity of the Triune God,” Journal of Early Christian Studies 8 (2000), 39-82.
12. “John D. Caputo and the faith of soft-postmodernism,” Irish Theological Quarterly 70 (2000), 13-31.
13. with Stephen E. Fowl, “(Mis)reading the face of God: The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church,” Theological Studies 60 (1999), 513-528.
14. “On The Practice and Teaching of Christian Doctrine,” Gregorianum 80/1 (1999), 33-94.
15. “Imagining the End: The Augustinian Dynamics of Expectation,” Concilium 1998/4, 40-50.
16. “Christology and Faith in Augustine's De trinitate XIII: Toward Relocating Books VIII - XV,” Augustinian Studies 29 (1998), 111-139. [also printed in V. Twomey & T. Finan (eds.), Studies in Patristic Christology (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 1998), 95-121.]
17. “Augustine on God as Love and Love as God,” Pro Ecclesia 5 (1996), 470-487.
18. “Agustín y Ticonio sobre metafísica y exégesis,” Augustinus 90 (1995), 13-30.
19. “Faith, Theology and Representation,” Modern Theology 11 (1995), 23-47. [also printed in G. Jones & S. Fowl (eds.), Rethinking Metaphysics (Oxford &
Cambridge MA: Blackwells, 1995), 23-47.]
20. “Between Athens and Jerusalem: Prolegomena to Anthropology in Augustine's De trinitate,” Modern Theology 8 (1992), 53-73.
21. “Francis and the Dark Night of Creation: A meditation on foolishness and discernment in St Francis of Assisi,” New Blackfriars 71 (1990), 244–253.
Главы в книгах, энциклопедические статьи, иные статьи
22. “Didymus the Blind’s De Spiritu Sancto and the Development of pro-Nicene Pneumatological traditions,” in Lewis Ayres (ed.) Unity and Diversity in Nicene Theology, book proposal currently under consideration.
23. “Christology as Contemplative Practice: Understanding the Union of Natures in Augustine’s Ep. 137,” in Peter Martens (ed.) In the Shadow of the Incarnation: Essays in Honor of Brian Daley (Notre Dame: Notre Dame University Press, forthcoming 2008).
24. “The Doctrine of God,” with Andrew Radde-Gallwitz, in Susan Harvey and David Hunter (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Studies (Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2008).
25. “Relationaliy and the Trinity,” for John Polkinghorne and John Zizioulas (eds) Relational Ontology in Science and Theology (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, forthcoming 2008).
26. "'It's not for eatin' - it's for lookin' through'": Memoria, Intellegentia, Voluntas and the argument of Augustine's De trinitate IX-X," in Lewis Ayres and Vincent Twomey (eds.), The Mystery of the Trinity in the Fathers of the Church, Supplements to Irish Theological Quarterly (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2007), 37-64.
27. Articles in New Westminster Dictionary of Church History (Westminster John Knox Press, forthcoming 2008):
1. “Arius, Arianism”
2. “Athanasius of Alexandria”
3. “Basil of Caesarea”
4. “Constantinople, Council of (381)”
5. “Eusebius of Nicomedia”
6. “Hellenization”
7. “Pneumatomachians”
28. “Patristic and Medieval Theologies of Scripture: An Introduction,” in Justin Holcomb (ed.) Christian Theologies of Scripture: A Comparative Introduction (New York: NYU Press, 2006), 11-20.
29. “Shine, Jesus, Shine: On Locating Apollinarianism,” in Frances Young, Mark Edwards and Paul Parvis (eds.) Studia Patristica XL, Papers presented at the fourteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2003 (Louvain: Peeters, 2006), 143-157.
30. “The Patristic Hermeneutic Heritage,” in Paul Ballard (ed.) The Bible in Pastoral Practice: A Reader (London: DLT, 2005) 25-41.
31. “The Final Act,” Christian History and Biography 85 (2005), 39-42 (special edition on the Council of Nicaea).
32. “Articulating Identity: the fourth and fifth centuries,” in L. Ayres, A. Louth & F. Young (eds.), The Cambridge History of Early Christian Literature (Cambridge: CUP, 2004), 414-463.
33. “A Reading of John D. Caputo’s ‘God and Anonymity’,” in Mark Dooley (ed.) A Passion for the Impossible: John D. Caputo in Focus (Albany NY: SUNY Press, 2003), 129-146. (With response by Caputo, 147-152).
34. “Augustine, Christology and God as Love: An Introduction to the Homilies on 1 John,” Kevin Vanhoozer (ed.) Nothing Greater, Nothing Better: Theological Essays on the Love of God (Grand Rapids MI: Eerdmans, 2001), 67-93.
35. “A Lack of Theological Vision: The Interpretation of Reality and the future of ‘liberal’ theology,” in Ian Markham and J’anine Jobling (eds.) Radical Liberalism (London: SPCK, 2000), 194-202.
36. “The Grammar of Augustine’s Trinitarian theology,” in Robert Dodaro & George Lawless (eds.), Augustine and his Critics (London & New York: Routledge, 1999), 56-71.
37. Articles in Allan Fitzgerald (ed.), Augustine Through The Ages: An Encyclopedia (Grand Rapids MI: Eerdmans, 1999):
1. “Being: esse, essentia”
2. “The Cappadocians”
3. “God” (with Michel R. Barnes)
4. “Measure, number and weight (Wisd. 11:21)”
[all articles also in A. Fitzgerald & J. García (eds.), Diccionario de San Agustín. San Agustín a través del tiempo (2001), and A. Fitgerald and M.-A. Vannier (eds.) Saint Augustin. La Méditerranée et l'Europe. IVe-XXIe
siècle (Paris: Cerf, 2005)]
38. “Introduction: A project in The Study of Christian Origins,” in (ed.) Lewis Ayres & Gareth Jones, Christian Origins: Theology, Rhetoric and Community (London: Routledge, 1998), 1-7.
39. “Theology, Social Science and Postmodernity: Some Theological Considerations,” in K. Flanagan & P. Jupp (eds.), Postmodernity, Sociology and Religion (London: MacMillan, 1996), 174-189.
40. “The Discipline of Self-knowledge in Augusine's De trinitate Book X,” Lewis Ayres, (ed.), The Passionate Intellect: Essays on the Transformation of Classical Traditions Presented to Professor Ian Kidd, Rutgers University Studies in the Classical Humanities Vol. VII (Brunswick NJ: Transaction, 1995), 261-296.
41. “Bibliography: De Doctrina Christiana 1950-1990,” (ed.) D. W. H. Arnold & P. Bright, De Doctrina Christiana: A Classic of Western Culture, vol I (Notre Dame IN & London: Notre Dame U. P., 1995), 247-260.