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"Journal for the Study of the Old Testament" - независимый академический журнал, издаваемый учеными из Европы, Израиля, Южной Африки, США и Канады. Основан в 1976 году.

Статьи номера:

Did Hagar give Ishmael up for dead? Gen. 21.14-21 re-visited 
J Gerald Janzen and John T Noble

Yhwh, Moses, and Pharaoh: Masculine competition as rhetoric in the exodus narrative 
Richard Anthony Purcell

The function of alliteration in the prosaic and poetic accounts of the Deborah cycle 
Elizabeth HP Backfish

Voices from below: The role of anonymous women’s opinion in the birth of Israel’s monarchy 
Blaire A French

Reshaping Jeremiah: Scribal strategies and the prophet like Moses 
Benedetta Rossi

Playing favourites: Israel and Judah in the marriage metaphor of Jeremiah 3 
C L Crouch

‘No longer will you call me ‘my Ba’al’’: Hosea’s polemic and the semantics of ‘Ba’al’ in 8th century B.C.E. Israel 
Caitlin Hubler

Morality and mortality: The dialogical interpretation of Psalm 90 in the book of Job 
Will Kynes

A network of conventional and deliberate metaphors in Psalm 22 
Ellen van Wolde

Song of Songs as political satire and emotional refuge: Subverting Solomon’s gilded regime 
F Scott Spencer

What is Old Greek Daniel chapter 8 about? 
Ian Young

What is דֶ סֶ֫ ח ?A frame-semantic approach 
Carsten Ziegert

Following the blueprint II: A new Biblical Hebrew syntactic outline derived from Harald Weinrich 
Vasile A Condrea

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